I Don't Need Anybody Else

Start from the beginning

''How do you know? I didn't think it would be so soon.'' I asked. Peeta's hand continued to slowly rub circles on my waist, calming me down.

''I saw Jenson and Rosy today.'' Rye said, looking down as if he felt responsible somehow. I wondered if she'd grown out of 'Rosy-Posy' now, I suppose so. Did they still call her Rosy? If she was 10 that meant maybe she'd grown out of that too. It might just be Rose. But my mind was avoiding the inevitable, she wasn't called Rosy- that was just a nickname and deep down I knew I was thinking of every possible solution but the right one. My name's Primrose Posy Tiffany Hawthorne, her voice echoed around my head, as it started to feel lightheaded. Because her name was Primrose, and someone, somewhere, possibly even Gale will be calling her Prim. My little duck.

''Why was Jenson in the junior's block, shouldn't he have been with the older ones in the Secondary School Block?''Peeta asked.

''Oh he was, he was just checking in on his sister.'' Rye said. ''Mum are you alright? You look a little ill.''

''No, no I'm fine darling, I just wasn't expecting him to move so soon. Anyway, who wants some food? I'm cooking tonight.''

''Are you sure?'' Peeta asked with that ever so familiar concerned look on his face.

''I'm not that bad a cook you know- well anymore.'' I said trying to make a joke out of it. Willow stood up as I left the room.

''I'll come help you mum.'' She said, following me.


''Mum this is actually so nice.'' Rye said as he shovelled a plum into his mouth.

''Why do you sound so surprised?'' I asked him, smiling teasingly at him.

''And manners Rye, what would Aunt Effie say about you talking with your mouth full?'' Willow said, nudging him.

''Yeah manwers Wye.'' Oakley gurgled. I looked across the table to Peeta and rolled my eyes at our children. He shook his head and chuckled to himself.

''Right who's going to help me do the dishes then?'' He said standing up with the stack of plates after we'd all finished.

''I'll do it.'' I said standing up with him.

''Katniss, sit down you've already cooked tonight.'' He said, giving me a light kiss on the forehead.

''No I don't mind.''

''Katniss.'' He warned.


''I'll help you dad! I don't mind.'' Rye said, far too excitedly to be drying the dishes.

''Come on then my lad and then after we'll go play in the games room if you like?''

''Yes, yes, yes come on dad hurry up so we can go!'' He said, getting giddy. Rye's face was lit up, because anytime he got to spend with his Father alone doing 'boy' things, was a joyful time for them both. Willow, Oakley and I were left sat at the dining table alone, whilst the boys cleaned up.

''So while they're doing that, why don't we get some chocolate and-''

''Melt it.'' Oakley chirped up.

''Yes melt it sweetie.'', I said tapping the end of her nose playfully. ''And then-''

''Get some fruit?'' Willow asked, smirking.

''And watch a film.'' We both said at the same time, screaming 'jinx' at each other like children in a playground.

''Can we watch Cinderwella pwease.'' Oakley lisped. She was going through a phase of re-watching Cinderella over and over again. If we hadn't seen it once we'd seen it one hundred times.

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