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THE CAR JOURNEY WENT SMOOTHLY, surprisingly. They did not encounter anything that could be cause for concern and it turned out that Fry was a rather good driver, something which neither of them suspected. Eden slept the entire way, not waking for anything whatsoever. Even when Fry had to quickly break as something ran across the road in front of them, she did not stur in the slightest. She slept for hours, oFten joined by Thomas who kept drifting in and out during the entire journey.

Slowly, after many hours and a couple leg stretching stops, Eden started to become more agitated in her sleep. It progressed slowly and went unnoticed by everyone in the car, they just all believed that her body had finally realised the discomfort her sleeping position put her in. But within just a few milliseconds, Eden was flung out of her subconscious and back into reality. She jolted awake, sitting up instantly while a gasping breath tumbled from her lips.

All three heads in the car turned in her direction, each showing differing levels of concern. She stared back at them for a second, unable to form words. It was as if her mind was still asleep and unable to catch up. Eventually, after what felt to her like gruelling hours, she cleared her throat and settled back into her seat. "Nightmare," she answered their unasked questions, glancing at Newt as he understood more than the others did. He knew of the nightmares about the WICKED labs, the ones that included Minho's testing and the ones that included all that she went through in vivid detail. They were nothing short of the worst dreams she had ever had, even when compared to those nightmares that stemmed from the mutinies in the Glade. Whether the dream included Minho or not, this one had, she was always left with a deep and unsettling guilt that would not shake itself. She truly believed she deserved to feel so bogged down by the guilt even after being told otherwise.

Everyone refocused on the passing surroundings with her explanation and no one said a further word about it. She pulled the blanket closer to her body, seeking the warmth to dispel the nightmare lingering chill and stared out the window as the others did.

THE CAR CAME TO A SLOW stop in front of a large, overly sinister looking tunnel that plunged into darkness. Before taking the trip inside, Frypan stopped the car and everyone climbed out to stretch their legs while uncomfortably staring at the place that they all did not want to go.

"You want us to go in there?" Newt almost sounded as if he was cracking a joke. "I don't want to come across as too negative but if I was A crank, that's exactly where I would be."

"I feel like I can hear them," Eden whispered to Fry as they both peered down the tunnel, staying an appropriate distance away from the dark space just in case something happened to pounce out at them.

"What the hell are in those pills you're taking?" Fry laughed deeply, the sound echoing down the entrance to the tunnel.

Eden's brow furrowed in puzzlement, looking toward Frypan with no signs of humour in her expression. "You seriously can't hear them?" To her, there was almost a soft scuttling flooding from the tunnel.

Fry looked at her, brow furrowed and eyes wide, as he replied, "No."

"Can either of you hear them?" she called to the other two, earning equally confused looks.


"Weird," she mumbled, not thinking too much about it whatsoever. "Well. We don't really have a choice but to go in there."

"Shotgun, " Newt called out before turning and walking back to the car. In turn, each person walked back to the car after having enough of staring at the rather doomful sight in front of them. Eden went before Thomas and managed to snag the comfier seat, to his profound annoyance.

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