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"EVENING THOMAS, HOW'S THE PIT?" Eden smiled reassuringly as she sat at the entrance to the locked pit, looking at Thomas through the bars. She tapped her fingertips excitedly on the top of her thigh, the sensation feeling rather satisfying. The darkness of night enveloped them so intensely that she could barely see inside the pit, let alone his face.

"Dirty and cold," he grumbled, flicking a small pile of rocks off of his thigh. He then turned to her, catching a distinct moment as the soft glow of the lamp she had just lit at her side lit up the darker parts of her eyes.

"Mh, that seems to be the typical consensus," she sighed softly, flicking through the few papers within his file with the very tips of her fingers.

"Can I help you..." he trailed off, already knowing that look in her eyes as many others did. Eden wanted something, something so desperately it became the only thought within her mind. And she had found something within his blood, a tell-tale sign of something abnormal. One thing that no one else had in such intensity, yet it happened to turn Ben's blackened blood red once more.

"Actually, you can," she paused, bringing her gaze up to his to check for any and all aspects of lying. "I was analysing your blood, typical things you know... And well..." she paused, tapping her fingers rhythmically. "Who are you?"

He raised a brow, eyes widening as a look she could only describe as pure and utter confusion developed on his face. "Thomas..."

She hummed in acknowledgement, glancing back down to her papers and the pen attached to them. "See Thomas, I think you know something."

His brow furrowed, this time clearly fueled by intrigue, "Know what?"

She sighed, knowing that this was not going to go anywhere, "Well I'm not exactly going to tell you."

EDEN WALKED AWAY FROM THE PIT with a head full of questions that had absolutely no answer whatsoever. Not one that she was able to think of right now, anyhow. She knew there was no possibility of sleep with such questions within her mind, despite the tiredness that pulled at her eyes and hurt her limbs. She held the lamp somewhat in front of her face, so she could actually see in front of her feet, as she walked toward the lab.

She noticed a figure that she completely recognised despite the darkness sitting on the grass. "What are you still doing up?" she asked softly, attempting to cover up the concern that had overtaken some of the questions within her mind.

"Couldn't sleep," he somewhat whispered in reply, his face finally becoming visible to her as she was close enough that the lamp managed to light him up.

She frowned as she sat down next to him, placing the lamp at her side, "That seems to be a theme with you at the minute, everything okay?"

He sighed deeply, in such a way that she could practically feel the agitation rolling off of him, as he rolled his head into his hands. "I have a lot on my mind."

The concern she held for him, mostly shown through her brows, softened ever so slightly as their gazes met. "Well you know I'm here if you need to talk about it, load off things and such."

"That's okay," he shrugged, letting his hands drop down to his side. "What's got you up and about this late?"

"Greenie blood."

"Ah... Anything interesting?"

"Interesting but confusing as hell," she sighed out of pure annoyance with the situation she had found herself within, rubbing her brow of the pain that had started developing there due to lack of sleep.

Newt, rather dramatically, sighed deeply and lay back against the grass and she followed suit, looking up at the minimal stars above their head. He turned to her, waiting for her to turn too, then once she did he lifted his arm and gestured for her to move into the gap. She laughed a little too loudly for the given time then settled into the gap, sighing softly and greatly appreciating the satisfying smell that enveloped her senses. "If someone walked out of the Homestead right now we would be ridiculed," Newt whispered laughing softly as he brushed some of the hair from her face. These types of things had been normal for them for a few years, ever since the situation that gave him his limp. He said that it gave him some sort of unexplainable comfort when in reality he knew it was just her that bought that comfort.

"Can't be worse than the gossip a few days after Clint arrived in the box," she laughed quietly, reminiscing the awful events of those two weeks. The two weeks where gossip was unavoidable and she spent most of the time locked up in the lab to avoid it completely.

"I'm so glad that they all stopped with that," he added at a whisper as her laughter died down, twirling a piece of grass between his fingers on the hand that wasn't currently placed on her back.

"I could barely walk two meters without someone bringing it up," she sighed in such a way that had the both of them laughing once more, softly though as to not wake those sleeping in the Homestead mere meters away from their heads. The laughter died down once more and the two of them were left in a long, comfortable silence as they both stared up at the sky and listened to the breeze battling with the leaves on the trees.

"I'm bloody glad you didn't die in the Maze, Pepper," Newt whispered, not tearing his attention away from the sky for simply one reason. She smiled softly, repositioning her head on his chest.

"Me too, not just because it's well...my life and all." The silence between them returned and Eden listened and felt the slow rising of his chest with his breaths, finding that the sound and action greatly relaxed something within her mind. She let her eyes flutter close, feeling the cool breeze of the night flutter over the curves of her face in an utterly relaxing way that lead her to never want to leave that very situation.

"I was the one that slept in your room," Newt whispered so quietly that she hardly heard it. "Well I didn't really sleep..." he trailed off, looking toward her for the reaction that he had so dreaded all the time following her trip into the maze. She smiled softly, then the grin only grew as her eyes fluttered open.

"I knew it! And you even tried to deny it when I asked you!" she laughed, face lighting up in such a way that gave him instant butterflies - despite the fact he could only see half of her face. 

"I thought you'd be mad," Newt half laughed, still whispering despite her loud volume.

"Mad? The worst thing you did was mess up my pillow."

"You'll wake the others," he whispered, laughing but muffled so it shook his chest. As his laughter died down, Newt quickly clocked onto the fact that Eden was fully staring at him with an unrecognisable look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry for doing that to you," she apologised softly, looking straight at him so he knew it was as sincere as possible.

"It's okay... No harm done, really. Just made me realize certain things," he smiled softly, shrugging but not so much that it knocked her too much.

Her eyes widened with pure intrigue, looking him up and down, "Like?"

"How dull the Glade is without you," he smiled down at her, that smile only growing the more she laughed. "And how awful the leadership job is here."

"Oh tell me about it." 

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