Lawrence Gordon Info

Start from the beginning

They Find You Sleeping: He walked in the house only to find it quiet. He went upstairs and found you in bed. He smiled and slid his shoes off then laid next to you. He tucked a tuff of hair behind your hair.

Someone Walks In: You were bent over his office table as he was railing you. One of the nurses walked in and gasped then left. The moment was ruined.

When You're Insecure: Lawrence will listen to you. Of course he absolutely does not mind staying home from work that day just to comfort you.

You Wear Their Shirt: He thinks it's kinda hot but he's very amused.

When They Get Mad: When he gets mad he tends to glare his eyes. You will also notice he gets more foul as well.

When They Cook With You: You were craving sugar cookies so you had him help you. He smiled at your joy and thought it was worth the mess.

What Pet You Would Own: Definitely a dog for protection when he's not there.

When It Rains: He'll bundle up with you under a blanket and watch movies with you. He may fall asleep halfway through though.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: French Vanilla

Favorite Flower: Bleeding Heart

Songs I Feel Like They Would Listen To: La Seine- Vanessa Paradise (French Version cause English don't have shit on it 😒)

Sex or Saw: Saw

Gifts They Get You: Earrings and Necklaces. He thinks you suit them rather well.

Bad Habits They Have: Leaving the lights on

John Reacts To Your Relationship: 10/10. He thinks Lawrence is a good match for you.

Favorite Cake: Battenberg Cake

You Tell Them A Dirty Joke: He will chuckle and give you a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to have to remember that one."

You Shower With Them: He wouldn't mind one bit. He would scrub your hair and back for you.

Would They Get Matching Tattoos With You: No

How They Would React To You Crying: He would find out what is wrong. From there he will figure out a solution.

Bitch Scale: 0/10

Their Favorite Candy: Gummy Bears

On Your Period: He gives you the best medicine and feminine products plus snacks he can.

Cuddles or Sex: Cuddles

Which Instrument Do They Like: Clarinet


A(Aftercare): He will clean you up then lay you down. He'll hold you close to get you nice and warm.

B(Fave Body Part): One himself? His eyes. On you it's your smile.

C(Cum): Inside, he wants kids

D(Dirty Secret): He has thought of you a few times at work.

E(Experience): He has experience

F(Favorite position): Missionary

G(Goofy): To ease you he will tell a small joke.

H(Hair): He has some hair down there and doesn't mind what you do with yours.

I(Intimacy): He's very intimate when it comes to you.

J(Jerk off): When he can't do you he'll jerk off.

K(Kinks): Bondage, Breeding, Marking

L(Location): You two's bedroom or his office

M(Motivation): Let him know you want it.

N(No!): Anything that involves blood. He already sees enough being a doctor/ doing Jigsaws work

O(Oral): Absolutely loves it. Both in receiving and giving.

P(Pace): However you want it

Q(Quickies): When he does you in the office it's always a quicky

R(Risk): He's okay with being risky

S(Stamina): 3-4 rounds

T(Toys): He owns a few just for you

U(Unfair): Get under his skin and he'll be a big tease.

V(Volume): Depends if he's in the office or in the bedroom

W(Wildcard): He loves leaving love bites on places where they will be noticable. So everyone knows you belong to someone.

X(X-ray): 7inches

Y(Yearning): Medium

Z(Zealous): High

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