- Chapter 17: Morning Love -

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- Ace's Pov -

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- Ace's Pov -

When i wake up im all alone in bed which is something i definitely wasn't expecting since what happened last night but i know Alice must have a reason to not be cuddled with me right now so i climb out of bed wanting to hurry up with my morning routine so i can make sure Alice is okay then i go to the bathroom where i have a quickish shower and when i'm done i get dressed for the day (Outfit above). Once i'm finished towel drying my hair i got downstairs only to smile when i see Alice sat in the little reading nook with my noise cancelling headphones on while reading what looks like a romance novel and when i see her outfit for the day i smirk knowing that she's trying to match my style. She's wearing a white jumper with back and read stripes, a black skirt and some knee high socks making her look very cute in my eyes but everyone one else in Fork's will say she looks badass even though that's all down to me since i'm the one that needs to be a badass to protect my little pixie.

 She's wearing a white jumper with back and read stripes, a black skirt and some knee high socks making her look very cute in my eyes but everyone one else in Fork's will say she looks badass even though that's all down to me since i'm the one tha...

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I slowly walk over to her and when i'm next to her i lean down as i grab her chin bring her face close to mine her then i slam my lips onto hers in a passionate kiss and i bite her lip a few time's making her whimper into my lips. I reluctantly pull my lips from her's when i need to breath which get's a few whimpers of protest from her but i shush her and kiss her forehead which calmed her down. I lift her up and sit down where she previously sat then i put her down on my lap so her back is against my chest and i thought she would just continue reading but my thought is wrong because she turns side on taking the headphones off and cuddles into my chest

"Morning baby" She said softly

"Morning love" I said then kiss her forehead

"Sorry i wasn't there when you woke up, i got carried away reading" She said nervously

"It's okay and there is nothing to be nervous about because i know you won't always be there when i wake up and i'm fine with that love" I said softly

"I thought you would have been angry with me" She said playing with my finger's on her lap

"I wouldn't and couldn't ever be mad at you because i understand there is going to be times you going to want to have nights to yourself or have to leave and not be here some mornings due to them visions of yours. So there is not reason for me to be mad at you for wanting alone time or at something we can't control, all i can do is be here for you when you can be here for me" I said as i raise my hand and caress her cheek

"Speaking of visions, i had one this morning because Aro decided something that will no doubt make you phase again" She said leaning into my touch

"What is that love?" I asked holding her tighter to my body

"He decided that Bella has to have the last of her punish infront of us all then he wants you and Charlie to decide is she dies or lives" She said resting her head against my chest

"For godsake, when will all this end so me and you can just relax" I said feeling completely exhausted from all of it

"It will end once Bella has been delt with and you know that Ace because once she is delt with we can leave and start our life together" She said slightly happy

"That sounds amazing, we should definitely do that once Bella is out the way because i want nothing more then to start my life with you properly away from everything" I said resting my head against the wall

"Then we better go to Carlisle and Esme's house so we can get this over with" She said climbing off my lap

"Your right again love" I said as i slap her ass making her yelp in surprise

"Seriously get used to it" She said smirking

"Oh i'm getting used to it love, just like i'm getting used to the thought of you walking down the aisle looking gorgeous in a white dress" I said smirking

"That thought won't happen till your get down on one knee and propose Mr Swan" She said cheekly making me smile

"Oh that will happen and when it does you won't know about it because im going to get around those visions of yours" I said then kiss her forehead

"Dis we really just jump from talking about dealing with Bella to proposals?" She asked amusingly

"That we did beautiful" I said then sighed

"Don't worry baby, now that we have completed the bond you will be as short tempered when danger is around" She said softly

"I really hope so because i can't keep shredding my clothes" I said making her giggle

"But thay means i'll have to stop having midnight online shopping sprees for you" She said the pouted

"Screw that, if my mate wantes to do online shopping for me that i will continue to shred my clothes" I said smirking

"Then please can you go outside and phase so you can run to the house with me on your back" She said sounding hopeful

"Yes love, right away love" I said wanting to make her happy

"Yayyyyy" She squealed excitedly

"But can you get me a spare pair of clothes seeing as i'm going to shred mt clothes so you can keep doing online shopping" I said softly

"Yes! I'll do that now!" She said still very excited


A/n: Uploads will be delayed due to mt brother staying with me while he recovers from dental surgery which resulted in his having five teeth removed in one day

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A/n: Uploads will be delayed due to mt brother staying with me while he recovers from dental surgery which resulted in his having five teeth removed in one day. I will try to upload when i can but please respect that they may be delayed

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