- Chapter 13: From angry to normal -

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- Ace's Pov -

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- Ace's Pov -

Esme can cook for me anytime she wants because god her food was delicious and she even cooked enough to feed a army only for it all to be eaten in less then half an hour much to the shock of all the vampire's in the room which made me and dad laugh. Once they snapped out their Alice speeds over to me and sits into my lap mumbling how she shouldn't have been told to get off because i could have just eaten around her or she could have fed me which made me laugh. Untill she kissed my neck that's when i growl and hold her tighter because my baby girl shouldn't be teasing me at a time like this especially when we are sat infront of loads of people and if we weren't infront of all these people i will show her what the consequences are for teasing me.

"Baby girl i suggest you stop teasing me" I whisper very lowly hoping none of the other vampire's will hear me

"Yes d-daddy" She stuttered then went wided eyed and i couldn't stop the smile that took over my face from her calling me daddy

"Cub leave her alone" Dad said smirking at me

"Says you old man, i bet you have been doing worse!" I said smirking at him as he looks at me in shock

"Leave them both alone Charlie, they are newly found mates they are bound to have these moments you should know that seeing that Jasper is your second mate after your first rejection" Aro said smiling but that smile disappeared when me and dad growled at him

"Don't even think about saying that bitches name after the pain she caused dad when she left him while unknowingly saying the rejection us shifters hate to hear!" I said while growling lowly

"Ace calm down, it may have hurt back then but now it's in the past and i have Jasper now" Dad said softly

"No! If he is your old friend he should have known how much pain you were in and what that pain made you do!? was he the one to pick you back up off the floor after you spent hours of crying to the point you passed out!? Was he the one that stopped you from drinking so much alcohol that you would have become a alcoholic!? Did he stop you from trying to find away to kill yourself!?. Was he there when i phased to stopp you from crashing the cruiser into a fucking tree at 100mph!? No he wasn't because i was! I was there for you every single time because i knew if you fell then i would fall with you and i didn't want that for both of us!" I said loosing my temper shocking everyone in the room

"Baby, baby look at me" Alice said softly as she held my face in her hands

"That pale basterd knows nothing! Absolutely nothing!" I spat through gritted teeth

"I know baby but he didn't know because your dad didn't tell him, don't ruin your chance at being friends with them over something that is in the past. I'm proud of everything you did to keep your dad safe but now let Jasper take over to make him happy and keep him safe, it's time you get to be happy too" She said softly as she caressed my cheek

"I'm truly sorry Ace, I shouldn't have brought up that bad time in yoir fathers life but please don't let that effect our chance of being friends" Aro said calmly and politely shocking every for some reason

"Just don't mention anything to do with that women infront of me and dad again, if you do that then i see no reason to not be friends with you all" I said looking into my baby girls eyes

"Understandable, i will not utter another word" He said softly

"While we are on the subject of friends i would like to say im truly sorry for loosing control over my instincts and hurting you Ash, all of that wasn't my intention at all and hurting you was the worst thing i could have done especially when i think of you as a brother already" Emmett said sadly

"I already knew you lost control as soon as you held me by the throat, i also know that you only lost control because one your hunting instincts and two your reason for turning so there is nothing for you to say sorry for Emmett especially when it was a accident" I said calmly

"Thank you brother" He said smiling at me

"Oh cub before i forget, i asked Emmett to go to your house to get a few of your things and before you ask yes he got you laptop for work" Dad suddenly said making me sigh

"Damn it i forgot about my shops" I said throwing my head back on the couch

"I'm sure everything is fine but i don't want you to do anything work related till tomorrow" He said firmly

"I'm okay with that because that means more cuddles with my little pixie" I said smiling

"Take the cuddling to Alice's room we don't want to see our sister being all lovey dovey" Edward said teasingly

"I was thinking about doing that but bow you have said that i think we might just stay down here a little longer" I said smirking

"I think that's a great idea baby" Alice said smirking

"How can you go from angry to normal in a short space of time!" Rosalie said in shock

"It's my short temper Rosalie, Just don't set of my protective instincts and all of you will be fine" I said shrugging my shoulders

"Yeah for the love of all things holy do not set of his protective instincts, i don't want to fight tooth and nail with my own cub to snap him out of it" Dad said making every looking at me in surprise

"It happened once but dad has stopped it many times from happening again" I said plainly


A/n: I have been getting a couple negative comments lately and please if you don't like my story's because you find them slightly repeated in some places, cringy, fast moving or badly written then please stop reading my story's and find another st...

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A/n: I have been getting a couple negative comments lately and please if you don't like my story's because you find them slightly repeated in some places, cringy, fast moving or badly written then please stop reading my story's and find another story to read.

Your negative comments can have a negative effect on people and those comments have knocked back my confidence so please instead of leaving negative comments just leave my story and find another one to read......😔🥺

I would also like to say thank you to my cupcake for bring my confidence back up! You are amazing babe! Thank you so much for everything you said! You truly are an amazing friend to me!❤️ cumbxby ❤️😘

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