- Chapter 15: Just one left -

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- Alice's Pov -

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- Alice's Pov -

As soon as he said sorry his instincts take over and all i can do is watch him phase ripping his clothes to shreds and breaking the couch he was sat on in half because of the size and weight of him in bear form thankfully i'm a safe distance away from him so he wouldn't have accidentally hurt me during his phasing because if that did happen he would have never forgiven himself. Once he is full phased he reaches down grabbing the bottom of my dress with his jaws and pulls me close to him so i'm literally inbetween his front paws due to him being inbetween 8ft to 9ft tall right now which i don't mind at all infact it makes me feel safe and protected. I raise my hand and scratch under his jaw making him whimper while moving me back slightly with his paw and now i'm directly under his chest watching his chest rise and fall with every breath he takes but suddenly Demetri walks in dragging a unconscious Renèe on the floor behind him and that makes Ace lower his big head snarling at her unconscious body which catches Demetri's attention.

"Why on earth is there a grizzly bear in here!?" He said in shock

"Demetri secure Renèe in here to a chair from the kitchen with some zip ties that are in my car but for the love of god stay away from my son who is the giant bear you can clearly see in the middle of the room" Charlie said calmly only for Ace to snarl when Renèe's name was mentioned

"T-That's Ace!" He said in shock

"Yes, now hurry before Renèe gains consciousness" Charlie said making Ace snarl again

"Yes sir" He said then disappeared and reappeared in seconds thanks to vampire speed

"Make sure the zip ties are tight enough to break threw her skin, all of us want her to feel alot of pain especially Ace" Caius said getting a big nod from my bear

"Now stand against the wall because Ace is unpredictable right now so anything could happen" Charlie said once Demetri is done securing Renèe to the chair

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