- Chapter 14: Bring her here -

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- Ace's Pov -

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- Ace's Pov -

Yesterday me and Alice had alot of cuddles inbetween alot of kisses but now i'm sat in the cullen's livingroom drinking my first morning cup of coffee with dad while the cullen's, the volturi kings and their guards are hunting which we were band from joining them on because of the incident between me and Emmett. I let out a sigh knowing i need to check in on my businesses now that my ribs aren't aching like they did yesterday plus if i do my check in now i can spend the night with Alice because she is more important then anything in this world and no matter what is going on around me she will always come first. I grab my laptop bag which is conveniently beside the couch and i have a feeling Alice knew i would use it today because of a sneaky vision and put it there for me, i open my laptop powering it up then start to reply to emails after emails from my shop managers who have sent me updates on how everything is going. Then i video a few of them for a quick meeting all the while dad is sat there watching me with pride in his eyes and he even whispers that i look so grown up in my work mode which made me chuckle in the middle of a video call resulting in alot of questions from one manager that got told it was nothing. Once the meetings were done i started drawing a few tattoo designs on my tablet for a couple returning customers who wanted something specially designed for them then i email them where they need to be emailed too then i start drawing the next one which is surprisingly for my own dad who probably doesn't even know the tattoo shop here in Fork's is owned by me.

"Son their back" Dad said snapping me what he called my work mode

"Oh already?" I asked shocked

"Yoi have been working for three hours, so yes already" He said fully amused by my shock

"Three hours!? It only felt like two" I said putting away my tablet making sure to save dad's tattoo design

"From what i saw in my vision you have been working very hard in those three hours to even notice" Alice said walking into the livingroom with alittle blood on her lips and everyone else behind her

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