- Chapter 16: Your mine, only mine⚠️🔞 -

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- Ace's Pov -

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- Ace's Pov -

I sweep Alice up into my arms holding her bridle style one hand under her legs the other hand around her waist and i peck her lips then i run to my place using my enhanced speed all the while still completely naked like the day i was born which makes me run through the heavy wooded area incase there's any hikers or hunter's not wanting to give them the shock of their life if they see my stark bloody naked self. When i finally get to my cabin i slow down to human pace and go straight to the to front door to kick it open but Alice stops me by leaning forward opening the door with a smile, i quickly go inside while pecking her lips softly then i close the door behind us making sure it's locked because i do not want anyone interrupting us then ibtake her up to her bedroom and place her down onto her feet.

"Right baby girl i'm going to have a quick shower alone because i don't want to risk having our first time in the shower so untill i'm done i want you to sit in here and do whatever you want till i'm done" I said firmly making her blush

"O-Okay" She stutters

"Okay what?" I said grabbing her by the throat

"O-Okay d-daddy" She stutters then moans

"Good girl love" I praise

I slam my lips on to hers kissing her dominantly and passionately then walk into the bathroom where i have a quick shower while making sure all that bitches blood is off my body because blood is the only thing i don't want to be covered in tonight while i make Alice mine for all eternity over and over again. While i wash my hair i hear movement in the bedroom and i know it Alice because she is the only one here other then me and i can't help but wonder what she is doing that's when my thoughts turn to some very vivid flashes of her in some very naughty lingerie. Once i finish washing my hair and check that all the blood is gone i shut the water off and step out wrapping a towel around my waist then i leave the bathroom only to growl at what i see in the middle my bed because damn it's turned me on with one simple look and i'm hard as a rock right now.

 Once i finish washing my hair and check that all the blood is gone i shut the water off and step out wrapping a towel around my waist then i leave the bathroom only to growl at what i see in the middle my bed because damn it's turned me on with o...

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