- Chapter 4: Keep it PG -

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- Ace's Pov -

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- Ace's Pov -

I wake up feeling finger's run through my hair and i know it's my mate because she spent the night so i pull her closer to me making her giggle at me which was music to my ears. I open my eyes only to see i literally have my face pressed against her boobs and i groan knowing this goddess of a body is mine to ravish anyway i want which makes her giggle again. Suddenly my head gets pulled away from her boobs then soft lips are on mine in a slow love filled kiss after a couple seconds Alice pulled away and placed her cold forehead on my warm on.

"Do you still want to take me to school?" She asked softly

"Fuck yeah! I want all those horny teenage boys to know your mine" I said holding back a snarl just thinking about those boys getting close to my mate!

"Then you better go get ready because we will have to leave soon" She said them removed her forehead off mine

"But i only have one bathroom!?" I said knowing that Alice will want to have a shower too

"I went home to have a shower an hour ago after i finished hunting, i just have to get dressed" She said smiling at me

"Okay so when i use the ensuite will you be okay using the downstairs bathroom to get dressed?" I asked wanting to make her comfortable

"Babe that will be fine, go and freshen up" She said amusingly

"Okay, time to make myself look sexy for my little sexy mate" I said smirking

"You look sexy already!" She said rolling her eyes

I jump out of bed and run to my closet grabbing whatever clothes are closer to me then i run to the bathroom where i have a quick shower. Once i am finished i quickly get dressed (Outfit above) and make put on all my jewellery then i leave the bathroom making sure to grab my car keys on the bed side cabinet. I will go downstairs and stand at the front door to wait for my little pixie to come out the bathroom so i can take her to school and show every teenage boy Alice Cullen is mine and only mine.

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