Chapter 130: Resolve the Curse.

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Chen Weiyuan looked at him from behind.

He called out "Yunlan" again.

There was no response.

As early as the sword blow on the Immortal Boat, he knew Ye Yunlan would no longer answer him in this life.

How ridiculous.

He had calculated a lifetime's worth of Tianji and used assorted methods, yet he still couldn't hold onto a person's heart.

His soul was cut to pieces as he traveled through the void. He looked at the distant light of this world and gradually sank into the darkness.

The Demon King's voice sounded at that time.

"Human, let's make a deal."


He squandered the power of the Chen Clan's astrolabe on the Immortal Boat. His dreams and wishes weren't realized in the end, and the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth would descend on the world. Even if he returned, he could not protect himself, nor could he get what he wanted, the person he wanted.

In that case, what did it matter if everything was destroyed?

What he couldn't get, no one would get. He let the Heavenly Demon King's remnant thoughts rest on his soul. Then when he returned to the world, he planted them in Rong Ran's body.

Although he was psychotic for several years, everything went according to his plan.

And the seeds planted have blossomed and bore fruit today.

He watched Ye Yunlan's figure depart, pushed his wheelchair through the crowd, and arrived at the edge of the cliff, gazing at the sky battle.

He took out a black box in his hand.

He touched it gently.


"Do you really want to enter the formation?"

Ye Yunlan walked toward where the formation was and heard a wintry voice.

It was Qiyun Jun.

The man was standing under the tree, looking at him. His complexion was vaguely pale, and he seemed injured.

Ye Yunlan didn't answer his question. He was in a hurry, just about to brush shoulders with him.

Qi Yunjun said hoarsely: "Don't go."

His light-colored eyes were no longer cold. Like fire under the ice, it revealed a vehement and intense feeling. It formed a stark contrast to his indifferent appearance.

Qiyun Jun stepped forward in front of Ye Yunlan and took out a broken sword from his storage ring.

It was the broken Taiqing Du Er sword.

He said: "I personally broke it."

Ye Yunlan: "You broke your sword. What does it have to do with me?"

Qiyun Jun was silent for a second. His voice was hoarse: "I just want to say sorry to you."

"Sect Master has nothing to be sorry to me about. There is no need to apologize." Ye Yunlan looked indifferent, "Please get out of the way."

Qiyun Jun's hand quivered slightly.

"I've remembered everything about the Buddha Pagoda in our previous life. I'm sorry," he said.

Ye Yunlan paused. "Sect Master, I have already said that the Ink Jade is broken, and you and I have nothing to do with each other. It would be a little ridiculous to mention things in the past now." He raised his eyelids and looked at Qiyun Jun blankly, "Not to mention, I don't want to remember those things."

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