Chapter 24: Beauty.

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He stood by the window, his steps were as if he was stuck in a swamp.

He watched the person's face glowing red. Misty eyes seemed to contain spring water. The ice and snow in his eyes melted away, as if falling from the sky to the world of mortals.

The boundless color seemed to be woven into a dense net to wrap around him. He felt his heart beat like a thunderstorm. His throat was so thirsty.

The fragrance filled the tip of his nose, as if soaked with inevitable poison.

Tempting him to get closer.

Be more relaxed.

"...Help me." The man trembled again.

The net finally wrapped around him tightly, leading him to jump across the window sill and into the gentle warm tent.

He knelt on the snow-white damp fox fur. He leaned over carefully, and said hoarsely: "Disciple is here to help you..."


——Birds croak outside the window.

Shen Shu woke up from his dream, with a sense of dampness in his quilt.

He raised his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, and exhaled slowly.

Three years later, he was no longer that boy who didn't understand anything.

When he was in the library, searching for information about the Dao bond contract, he accidentally found a book about dual cultivation.

... It turns out that in this world, people who are close to each other, not only embrace and hold hands with each other, but can also have more intimate contact.

The memory of eavesdropping by the window has become his lingering dream for many years.

He had imagined countless times. If he opened the window back then, what would the scene look like?

Will that cold person staring at him with red eyes in his dream, tremblingly tell him, "Help me."

Even so, Shen Shu did not dare to show any strange behaviour in front of that person.

He was afraid of making the other party annoyed or fed up.

Since he was born, he had been struggling to survive. No one has taught him etiquette and rules.

Until he met Ye Yunlan.

The other party saved his life, taught him how to write, and taught him swordsmanship.

He wanted to be close with the other party. He wanted the other person to look at him alone. He wanted to be with the other party forever.

No matter if it was Master and disciple, or dao companions.

He felt that everything was normal.

But he also knew that in the eyes of others, it is not normal for him to be like this.

A disciple having fantasies towards his own Master is not in accordance with etiquette and norms. It is offensive. Not only will he be scorned by others, but they will also humiliate his Master.

And he, no matter what, didn't want to disappoint and shame that person.

He got up, retrieved a bucket of cold water from the well, and poured it all over his head.

The twelfth lunar month of winter. The heat in his body faded instantly, so much that ice crystals condensed on his eyelashes. He didn't notice anything. He only changed into clean clothes, then walked into the bamboo building next to him.

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