Chapter 118: Dao Companion.

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Eastern Continent, Sky Sect.

A cauldron of loud voices boiled on Wendao Slope.

Several disciples were gathered together, quarreling over a sword technique problem. Saliva flew wildly, hands were thrown in the air, and their swords were nearly drawn to ask for advice.

Suddenly, one of the disciples in the dispute saw a man with a high crown in black clothes come up, and his eyes lit up. He hurried over. "Senior Brother, I have a technique I don't understand. Can Senior Brother give me pointers?"

The person called "Senior Brother" had a handsome face and looked very young, but a little silvery white was already on his temples, sandwiched between the black hair. It was quite eye-catching.

He Lanze looked at the disciple, "What's the problem? Please elaborate more."

The disciple: "It is the thirty-ninth style in the Frost Flower sword technique, 'North Swallows Return South.' For Northern Geese Flying South Across the Heavy Mountains, I think the sword power should have a sense of being indomitable, but Senior Brother Xun said that the Northern Geese Flying South is the thought of parting in autumn, and the sword power should have the meaning of hardship. We are arguing about this."

He Lanze said: "Swordsmanship and sword intent comes from the heart. People of different ages, or people with different experiences in the world, have different understandings of one style of swordsmanship's definition. There is no right or wrong. Why bother arguing about it?"

The disciple said: "How can it be equivocal? For practicing swordsmanship, isn't it the more you understand the sword intent of the creator, the more you can use the power contained in the sword technique?"

He Lanze patiently said: "Although the sword technique was created by a person, the person who learns the swordsmanship is yourself. If you only try to figure out the hearts of others without asking your own heart, you will never overcome your obstacles and reach great success."

The disciple's face reddened, and he seemed somewhat enlightened: "Senior Brother is right. But I still want to ask Senior Brother, if it is Senior Brother, what kind of sword intent understanding do you prefer?"

He Lanze said: "Me..." He looked over this disciple, then at the distant mountains as if looking at an unknown place, "I am more inclined with the latter. When there is nostalgia in one's heart, every emotion, scenery, sight, and thought, that longing will never leave your heart. You are still young, so you do not understand this. Go practice first, and if you do not understand, then ask me. "

That disciple observed his facial expression, then discovered he seemed to have triggered his Senior Brother's sorrow. He apologized and left.

Seeing this, the disciples on Wendao Slope sighed: "Senior Brother is still patient and meticulous to young disciples as always. The geniuses of other sects are usually reserved and arrogant. Only our Senior Brother is so approachable and would answer our every question."

Someone laughed: "You entered the sect late, so you probably do not know, but Senior Brother also had once shown off his abilities and disdained mortal affairs. At that time, Senior Brother wouldn't even bother with a disciple who can't handle three moves of his sword."

The disciple was surprised: "There was such a thing?"


The person next to him sighed, paused, and said again.

"It's just that it was a long, long time ago."

Yanhui Peak, Green Bamboo Forest.

He Lanze raised his hand and brushed the bamboo leaves in front of him. When he raised his head, he saw the bamboo building standing in the faraway sea of ​​flowers.

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