Chapter 51: Demonic Eye.

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The thunder on the horizon had begun to gradually dissipate. The light shone through the clouds and beamed on the winding mountain roads of Tianchi Mountain.

Ye Yunlan opened his eyes and subconsciously raised his hand to block this dazzling light.

His vision slowly changed from hazy to clear. He saw the clear blue sky and a few white clouds floating in the sky.

Retracting his gaze, he realized that he was sitting on a wicker chair made of intertwined gold threads.

The armrests of the wicker chair were decorated with many blood-red jade leaves. The leaves had golden edges. It looked translucent and gorgeous.

He lifted a leaf with his fingertips and inspected it carefully. He felt vaguely familiar with it.

Before he could think about it, he saw a gold thing rush over. It jumped on his knee, letting out an aggressive "chirp".

Ye Yunlan lowered his eyes and saw a fluffy and chubby... little chick on his knees.

The little chick was born cute and round, like a golden furball. Its small claws hooked on his clothes, and its black pea eyes stared at him.

The mountain breeze blew over.

One person, one chick, looked at each other in silence for a moment.

Ye Yunlan: "There are still people in Tianchi Mountain who like to raise chickens?"

Little chick: "..."

Its soft fluff instantly exploded, and it lifted its throat and chirped hard. Now, it looked more and more like a billowing, golden furball.

Ye Yunlan closed his eyes halfway and gently tapped his fingertips on the little chick's head.

...So soft.

When he was still thinking about it, the little chick took the opportunity to grab his fingertips and peck wildly, tweeting non-stop.

"You're saying you are not a chicken?" Ye Yunlan lowered his eyes and understood what it said, "You are... a young phoenix?"

The little chick nodded.

Ye Yunlan looked at the fluffy little thing on his knees and said lightly: "The phoenix clan was extinct more than ten thousand years ago, so you don't have to transform into such a look to please me..."

Speaking thus far, he paused.

He was a little surprised at what he subconsciously said.

In fact, when he could understand the little chick of unknown origin and when he felt familiar with it, he thought something was wrong.

He recalled what happened after he met the Yaori Secret Guard on the mountain road. His memories felt hazy. It was like there was a blanket of yarn. He couldn't remember the truth.

He actually experienced this situation several times in the three hundred years of his previous life.

He frowned slightly.

His palm felt itchy.

It was the little chick who rubbed his body against the palm of his hand. Warmth came from the soft fluff.

"Tweet tweet." Ye Yunlan: "You want me to give you a name? What about your name?"

"Tweet tweet."

Ye Yunlan: "I don't raise chicks or pets. You should find someone else to name you."

"Tweet tweet tweet tweet!" The little chick was anxious.

Ye Yunlan was going to speak, but then he felt something. He stood up, holding Queying sword.

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