Chapter 40: Injured.

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Nian Er's voice rang in his ears.

He held the faint blue flower branch in his hand and trembled slightly. His footsteps stopped, and looked back.

This flower valley hidden in Tianchi Mountain was exceedingly vast and grand, with countless flowers swaying in the wind. Surrounded by tall mountains, if one would look around, there was no thoroughfare. No cultivator could enter Tianchi Mountain without the help of a mountain spirit to lead the way because of the air travel ban.

For this reason, countless ancient flowers and plants were preserved here. Whether it was the Xiwei flower, the purple iris flower, or the water lotus that Nian Er just mentioned, they were no longer found in this world.

His eyes fell in the middle of the valley of flowers.

In the center of the Flower Valley was a vast lake. The icy blue lake reflected the sky. There was an island in the middle of the lake and a tree that stood on the island.

The beautiful blue flowers swayed in the treetops, and the petals swirled slowly in the wind. Then, it fell on the icy blue lake.

This was the last longevity tree left in the world.

He remembered the phantom image of the ancient tree that appeared when the communication stream ascension steps opened. At that time, he thought that the phantom image was just a phantom image. He didn't think that there really was such a longevity tree in reality.

He looked at the tree quietly for a long time.

"Older Brother?" Nian Er asked suspiciously.

"Did everyone ten thousand years ago know the custom of sending flowers like you said?" He suddenly asked softly.

Nian Er: "Yes. At that time, it was normal for people to send flowers to those they admired. Nian Er remembers to this day that every time my emperor travels, the sky would be filled with little demons who admired my emperor. The rain of flowers he received was enough to cover the entire Feiluan Road. Once, the on-duty officer forgot to clean the Feiluan Road, so the Feiluan Road was blocked by too many flowers. This resulted in carriages that could not move. My emperor had no choice but to spread his wings, fly into the sky, and make the rain of flowers sweep across the entire Demon Imperial City..."

"However, although my emperor likes flowers, Nian Er has never seen him receive any flowers from any little demon. My emperor seemed to only like to plant flowers alone. This longevity tree was planted by my emperor himself..."

The cheerful voice of the girl resounded like a bird chirping in his ears.

He got his answer, so he did not listen carefully to the following words. He was just thinking of what the Demon Lord had said about how this was a flower that the other party found in the memory of a ghost a thousand years ago. He had stubbornly asked him whether he liked it or not.

His stubbornness was not unlike a troublemaker's.

Suddenly he lifted the corners of his lips and smiled faintly.

——Ye Yunlan looked down at the flower branch in his hand and lifted the corner of his lips.

He was currently on the viewing platform.

The observatory was a strange space. It was as if one were in the Milky Way. There were many tables, chairs, and stone benches in the starry sky. Different stars were hanging above, shedding a hazy veil-like light, separating one place from another.

Everything in the ascension steps was spread out in front of everyone like a scroll. It was as if looking at a continuous river.

There seems to be a magical formation in the observatory. As long as you concentrate on watching something, everything on the ascension steps would be drawn closer.

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