Chapter 80: Hairpin (Part 1)

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"My name is Yue Qiushuang." The water ghost said in a sulky manner, "I was on the Eastern Continent Ghost Ship."

The past events followed his words and formed its silhouette.

During the ghost chaos period, yin and yang were chaotic, and mountains and rivers collapsed.

The ghosts who escaped from the cycle of heaven and earth stayed in the world forever. They stole living people everywhere for food and used them as entertainment.

Yue Qiushuang was a living person who the ghost ship caught for the ghosts to use as entertainment.

He was born in Changlemen and was originally a music cultivator. He survived because he was good at music and dance.

Yue Qiushuang had no intention of looking for death because a ghost detained his younger sister. Thus, he had to drag out his existence.

His twin sister was called Yue Yudie- also a music cultivator. She looked very similar to him and was famous for her clear singing voice.

However, after Yue Yudie was caught on the ghost ship, she lost her voice because of the overwhelming panic when she saw the ghosts were eating people.

If the humans on the ghost ship couldn't please the ghosts, they would end up miserably.

Yue Qiushuang could only surrender himself to the ghosts to save his sister.

The Eastern Continent Ghost Ship's leader was Li Fei- a well-known ghost general then. He was very keen on raising singers and performers to appreciate music.

Li Fei said to Yue Qiushuang, who was kneeling on the ground: "If you want to save her, you will have to have the ability to replace her. You must sing with the same ability as her."

Yue Qiushuang was silent for a moment and then said: "I can."

He opened his mouth to sing.

Yue Qiushuang had never revealed his gift in singing at Qinggemen usually. Everyone only knew that he had a heavenly-sounding sister but didn't know that he also had a beautiful voice.

He raised his voice, letting out a melodious and mellow female voice. It was light and very similar but more ambiguous to Yue Yudie's voice.

The ghost general was very satisfied but said: "I could have accepted your request to save your sister's life. However, I heard that you had been on the ship for half a month, but you always refused to appear on stage, very rebellious——" A cold sweat fell from Yue Qiu Shuang's forehead: "From now on? I will definitely do my best to serve——" The ghost general laughed: "So, have your sister stay here as this general's maid. If you play nicely, your sister will naturally be safe and sound. The general isn't unkind, so how about you guys meet each other every three months?"

Yue Qiushuang knew that this was the only choice the ghost would give him.

He could only bow his head in thanks.

After that, Yue Qiushuang became a performer on the ghost ship to please the ghosts. He was responsible for two people's lives. Once called, he would get up and dance. He had to go out early frequently and could only rest at night while completely exhausted.

Until one day, a young man came on the boat.

At that time, Xie Jiuyou was not the Great Emperor Netherworld who stunned the world. He was just a little daoist who broke into the ghost dwelling without knowing his limits and was caught by mistake.

Yue Qiushuang sang on the stage, while the ghosts tied up Xie Jiuyou and cut him into meat to taste.

The scene was quite bloody. Only, the more Qiu Shuang looked at such scenes, the more numb he became.

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