Chapter 121: Good Dreams.

Start from the beginning

He couldn't help visualizing that person's utterly emotional state and how he would memorize people. Would the spring water entangle everyone and lure their souls out?

A beauty of heaven.

If it weren't for the Demon Lord embracing him and the Demon Lord's distorted and violent temperament that had left a terrible name in the Demon Realm, he didn't know how many people would storm forward without concern for their lives to get close to him.

It turned out this was...a celestial being's face.

Elder Xue felt pain in his left foot. Beside him, Elder Li had harshly stomped on his foot.

This step could be described as eminently cruel. Elder Xue almost jumped up and rushed to the top of the Demon Palace. But, his attention returned, and he didn't dare look at that person again.

He felt a smidge of fear and even horror in hindsight.

If he dared to offend the Lord's wife abruptly before the Lord, he wouldn't dare to picture how he would end up.

Elder Li didn't look at Elder Xue's face, flushed in pain from when he was stepped on. He stepped forward and said: "I'm respecting the sects to deliver a wedding gift to the Lord. Congratulations to the Lord. Lord and Lord's wife will always be of one mind and be together for life, never to be separated."

The Demon Lord: "Didn't you give it before the wedding banquet?"

Elder Li winked at Elder Xue, and Elder Xue hurriedly stepped forward and knelt. Opening the gift box in his hand, he trembled and said: "This Subordinate didn't know the Lord's heart had belonged to another and acted without authorization. Now seeing the Lord has a deep affection for the Lord's wife and treats the wife as a god in this world, he is a worldly treasure incomparable to the fakes. This gift is sent from Subordinate, and I hope the Lord will forgive us for our mistakes. May the Lord and the Lord's wife be stronger than gold and love like a rock."

The precious light in the gift box was shining, indicating much work had been put in.

However, cold sweat dripped from Elder Xue's forehead.

The Demon Lord's temperament was twisted and violent, something the entire Demon Realm knew. He felt a marginal coolness in his neck, his life and death hanging at this moment.

The person in the seat suddenly let out a low laugh. He seemed to be in a great mood.

But it was not for him.

"Master wrote it wrong again."

The Demon Lord held Ye Yunlan's wrist, then changed the "he" on the white paper to "he."

*Different words with the same pronunciation.

"Midday, the afternoon declines, and the moon is full. The yin and yang are divided into two, and they go back and forth." He said slowly, "Master, do you remember this time?"

Ye Yunlan leaned in his arms, and his body softened.

The hand holding the brush quivered weakly, and he could only reluctantly write the next few words after the Demon Lord held him.

Elder Li and Elder Xue in the seat stared at their noses, and their noses stared at their hearts. They just pretended they didn't hear them.

Ye Yunlan stopped again.

"What's next?" The Demon Lord held him. He let out a low and hoarse laugh, "I obviously have read the Dharma Tactics to Master several times before, and I personally demonstrated it. How can Master not remember it?"

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