Lloyd's Nightmares

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Lloyd tossed and turned. He couldn't sleep. He hadn't been able to sleep since his dad had sacrificed himself to save Ninjago. Lloyd started crying.
"Damn it! You CANT act like a baby now! They need you!" Lloyd tried desperately to stop crying, but it just got worse.

Kai stood outside Lloyd's door. He hasn't been able to sleep. He was a light sleeper, and the washer wouldn't be quiet. He had been on his way to get some water, when he heard noise from Lloyd's room. He got there just in time to hear himself talking to himself. Kai turned and hurried to his room. Clearly Lloyd didn't want anyone to know about this. If Lloyd won't tell, Kai wouldn't tell.

The next morning, Kai was the first one up, obviously. He always was. Everyone slowly made their way in. It was a Saturday, so there wasn't any training. Kai wandered away to play cards. Slowly, the others filed in. Almost an hour passed before Lloyd wandered in. He sat down and stared at the wall. He was wearing old pants and a sweatshirt. His hood was up, and Kai couldn't see his face. After a couple hours, everyone had dispersed. Kai had been watching Lloyd out of the corners of his eye, and Lloyd hadn't moved for almost two hours. No one had noticed. Kai moved over next to Lloyd.
"Are you okay?" Lloyd turned his head. Kai moved in front of him. "Just talk to me." Lloyd shook his head. Kai pulled back his hood and turned his head towards him. His angelic face was full of agony. Lloyd's eyes were dry, but traces of tears made their way down his face. He had dark circles under his eyes, and was pale as a sheet. For a second, Lloyd's eyes met his, before he dropped his eyes. Kai was shocked. How could Lloyd have let this happen to himself! Lloyd took a deep breath.
"I'm fine. It's just... Allergies." Lloyd made an odd sound. The shouts of the others echoed outside. Kai moved in closer.
"No, you're not allergic to anything. You can tell me. I won't tell." Lloyd choked back a sob. He started rocking back and forth slowly. Without warning, he flung himself into Kai's arms. He started sobbing uncontrollably. Kai wasn't sure what to do, so he started rubbing Lloyd's back. Lloyd pulled back to look him in the face.
"I'm sorry. This will never happen again." Lloyd said quietly. Kai shook his head.
"No. When you have a problem, you come talk to me. Got it?" Lloyd met his eyes for a second. "Now, just tell me what's wrong." Lloyd swallowed.
"After.. after dad left, it's like there's a hole in my heart I can't fill up. And I'm constantly messing up, and I feel like I'm letting everyone down." Lloyd's eyes filled with tears. Kai silently watched a tear run down his face.
"Lloyd..... your perfect just the way you are, don't change a thing. You could never let me down." Lloyd look relieved about it.
"I feel so alone." Lloyd's hands started twitching.
"You may have a hole in your heart, but I can try to fill it." Kai leaned over and softly kissed Lloyd. There was a gasp behind them. They turned to see everyone else staring by the doorway.

Misako and Nya looked happy for them. Sensei Wu had a difficult expression to read. Everyone else look shocked.
"I don't even know what to say." Sensei Wu said, before turning and leaving. Everyone followed, trying to get him to see reason. Only Misako stayed.
"Are you happy?" Misako asked Lloyd. Lloyd nodded. She turned to Kai. "Are you happy?"
"Yes." Kai replied.
"Then I'm fine with it." Misako said. Kai stood silently. Lloyd watched with a panicked expression on his face. Taking Lloyd's hand, Kai helps Lloyd up, and leads him into Kai's bedroom.
"Lay down." Kai ordered, Lloyd complied. "Your sleeping in here now." Lloyd smiled for the first time all day, and his face shined like the sun.

Sensei Wu refused to look at them the rest of the day. Everyone else treated them like normal.
"I knew you two would end up together." Nya whispered to Kai.

That night, Lloyd slept with Kai. At midnight, Lloyd woke up crying. Kai quietly comforted him. Lloyd wrapped his arms around Kai, and whispered "I love you." Tearing up, Kai moved closer. Lloyd placed his head against Kai's chest.
"I love you too." Kai replied. Then he kissed Lloyd's forehead and rested his chin on Lloyd's head. He closed his eyes, and dreamed that Kai had Lloyd forever. Lloyd smiled at him. Kai slipped on some ice and fell over. Lloyd laughed, an angelic sound, and helped him up.
"This is why I married you." Lloyd said, still laughing. Kai smiled at him and kissed him. When he opened his eyes, he saw Lloyd laying on top of him, drooling a little bit. Lloyd took a deep breath and opened his eyes. His hair was sweaty and stuck to his head. He blinked a couple times, then looked at Kai.
"Morning, angel ." Kai said, wiping away Lloyd's drool. Lloyd yawned and stretched , before curling back up on top of Kai. He kissed Kai's forehead.
"Morning, sunshine." Lloyd mumbled.
"You never were a morning person, were you?" Kai asked. Lloyd groaned and wrapped his arms around Kai. They laid like that, together, for a hour. They both knew that they were meant to be, and would fight anyone who questioned it.

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