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10. I Will only be Called Brother Han

Su Mei was in a very good mood, her steps were brisk, and she was humming a song. The job recruitment index in her previous life was announced in early December. If nothing else, she would be able to return to the city in December.

With the recruitment target given by Yang Wei and the honor of sacrificing herself to save others, she will definitely be assigned a good position after entering the factory, and her future will be absolutely bright.

But whether it is a textile factory or a machine tool factory, Su Mei doesn't look down on her, she prefers to be a 'self-employed'.

After the New Year, she took leave of absence without pay, went to get a self-employed license, made a lot of money to buy a house, and strived to be a renter.

The Four Seasons Red Clothing Market in Hangzhou, the small commodity market in Wucheng, the bungalows in Lucheng, the courtyards in Beijing, the mid-level villas in Xiangjiang, the office buildings and shops in Pengcheng, Yangcheng, these are the golden mountains that can lay golden eggs, relying on the point of the factory. The dead wages must not be able to raise the original funds, and they have to do business.

However, the top priority right now is to return to the city. If you are stuck here, you can't do anything, so you have to return to Lucheng.

Han Jingchuan heard this girl humming a song from far away, and the tune went to Daxing'an Mountains. It could be seen that this girl was in a good mood, walking like flying, with two braids of sheep's horns twitching, her bright face Full of laughter, just looking at this chin seems to be a lot pointed, and her face is as white as a ghost.

"Uncle Han... Big Brother!"

Su Mei blurted out her previous name and immediately changed it. From now on, she will only be called Big Brother Han. In fact, Han Jingchuan is one year younger than her nephew.

Han Jingchuan looked at her with a half-smile but not a smile. He used to be an uncle, but now he calls her big brother. This girl must have no good intentions.

Su Mei felt guilty by him, and felt that her careful thoughts were visible under this guy's eyes. In fact, she really didn't understand that Han Jingchuan did a good job in Team B and made great contributions, so it's hard to live. The kind of great merit he has obtained will definitely have a bright future. How could he suddenly change careers?

Moreover, Han Jingchuan only worked in the unit for one year in his previous life, and then went to sea to do business. This also made the relationship between Han Jingchuan and his father, Mr. Han, to a freezing point. Until the death of Mr. Han, the father and son were not reconciled.

"Brother Han, thank you for saving me. I'll treat you to dinner when I return to the city." Su Mei said with a smile.

"it is good."

Han Jingchuan replied lightly, he also wanted to know what this girl was thinking, it was very interesting.

Su Mei smiled brighter and waved at Han Jingchuan, "Goodbye, Big Brother Han!"

After speaking, he continued to hum and ran to the Daxing'an Mountains and left. Han Jingchuan stared at her back, twitched the corners of his mouth, and walked towards the field department.

Two days later, the headquarters posted a notice, commending Su Mei for her great act of saving herself and saving others, and awarded her the title of 'hero'. There was also a notice from Han Jianming, of course it wasn't an award.

Instead, the punishment was publicized. Han Jianming's poor protection almost made a big mistake. He was punished by a major demerit and criticized in the Quantong newspaper. It also required hard work to purify Comrade Han Jianming's mind and let Chang Zhongshi supervise the report at all times.

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