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4. Uncle Han

"Give way!"

Su Mei nailed a palladium planer at Han Jianming's feet, only one centimeter away from his feet. Han Jianming moved his feet in fear, looked at Su Mei suspiciously, and felt her change.

"Xiaomei, why didn't you go to the mountain that day? I'll give you a gift later?" Han Jianming asked tentatively.

He had to get the job index, and he didn't want to stay in this damn place for another day.

"Oops...there are snakes!"

Su Mei screamed. Most of the people working in the fields were female educated youths. The thing girls were most afraid of was snakes. Know who hit it.

"The snake is here, it's a triangular head, so scary!"

Su Mei pretended to panic and screamed, and the scene became even more chaotic. Taking advantage of the chaos, she kicked Han Jianming's knees hard. Before Han Jianming could react, he threw himself to the ground and was kicked on the back. .

"Where is the snake? Don't be afraid!"

The male educated youth who was working next door ran over with a pole and a stick, but no one noticed Han Jianming, who was lying in the grass.

"I ran over there just now. It's so rough, it scared me to death!"

Su Mei pointed to the grass on which Han Jianming was lying on his stomach, with a panicked expression, looking especially pitiful. All the educated youths were full of enthusiasm and wanted to perform well in front of Su Mei to gain the favor of the beauty.

"Don't be afraid, the bigger the snake, the better. This is the one who came here to improve our food!"

"Yes, yes, it's been a long time since I ate meat, so I caught a snake for extra food!"

The male educated youth became more active, but they were also afraid of snakes, so they only dared to beat the poles against the grass, trying to scare the snakes out.

Just as Han Jianming was about to get up, he was hit by a pole on the back of his head, and the pain made his eyes turn black.

Before he fainted, Han Jianming was still thinking, who the hell kicked him?

"Almost, the snake should have been killed."

"Go and find."

Several male educated youths were eagerly rummaging through the tall and dense grass. The land in the northeast was fertile, and even the weeds were taller than people. Han Jianming was lying in it and was not conspicuous at all.

"Hey, isn't this Han Jianming, why is he in the grass?"

"Who beat him up like this?"

The weak and helpless Han Jianming, the old wounds have not healed, and the new ones have been added. There are traces of blood on the corners of his mouth.

Several male educated youths looked at each other with guilty conscience, as if... when they hit the snake just now, the touch was really not right, but whoever asked Han Jianming to get into the grass without saying hello, no wonder they..

"Han Jianming is not hiding in the grass to be lazy, right?"

Su Mei blurted out a sentence, then quickly covered her mouth and smiled embarrassedly.

Everyone's attention was suddenly shifted to being lazy, and no one cared about the snake. The educated youths who were still a little guilty, immediately lost their guilt, and they even felt a little more righteous.

"Rebirth in the Seventies, Splendid Times"Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang