Chapter 68

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I stood in front of the mirror in Caiden's bedroom in his apartment, standing sideways as I glanced over my dress. I ran my hands over the mint green material, the fabric so soft it felt like a cloud. White daisies littered the design, including the small puffy sleeves that covered my shoulder and fell slightly down my arm.  It fell to my mid-thigh, a small slit running up the skin on my right leg.  

Around my neck sat the chain with Caiden's ring attached to it, the one he had gifted me before we parted at the beginning of summer. On my middle finger on my left hand was a gold ring, a light green gem sat, the same color as my dress, incrusted into the gold band.

My eyes slid up to my hair, pinned up in an elegant bun, somewhat messy looking. A few strands fell loose over my face, framing my soft makeup perfectly. The strands were curled and wavy, fitting my sharp bone structure.

"You look gorgeous," I heard a deep rumble come from behind me, my body setting alight, goosebumps racing over my skin.

I glanced over my shoulder at him, my witty remark dying on my tongue when I saw him. He dressed formally yet casually, in a black buttoned shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, the top few buttons were undone and tempting my brain with the dirtiest of thoughts as I eyed the dark tattoo peeking from within. His hair was messy, yet annoyingly perfect. He leaned against the doorway, letting his eyes roam over me, probably undressing me in his mind.
Something I definitely didn't mind.

Then his eyes met mine, time stopping and the world spinning. I felt my heartbeat pump an extra few beats, heat rushing over my face and settling in my cheeks.

"I- You don't look too bad either," I managed, making him chuckle softly at me, shaking his head briefly as he held out his hand, offering it to me. 

I gulped, focussed on not tripping on my heels as I walked to him. His eyes scanned me over once more, going to my face when my hand met his, a smile lifting his mouth. My heart fluttered at the sight.

"You smell really nice," I blurted before I could even stop myself, making him chuckle at me again, pressing a kiss to the back of my hand.

"Thank you beautiful," He muttered, beginning to guide me from his apartment.

I mentally face-palmed myself.

We managed to make it to his car without any more intrusive thoughts escaping my mouth, and began to quiz him on where we were going. He gave me a brief idea of what to wear after about fifteen minutes of pestering him about it and knew it would be more of a fancy place than casual. 

"How fancy is it? Like, fancy fancy? Or just fancy?" I pushed, making him grin over at me, barely holding in his laugh.

"You'll see!" He merely smiled, making me groan dramatically, slumping back into the passenger seat with a pout.

"You know how much I hate surprises," I grumbled, glancing over at him, eyes trailing over his veiny hands and ringed fingers.

"You love surprises and you know it, you merely dislike the anticipation of not knowing what it is," He commented, making me slap his muscled arm playfully, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever," I huffed, knowing he was correct.

A few moments passed.

"Are you sure I'm dressed nice enough? You know I like to be prepared for these types of things-"

"Oaklyn, you look stunning, stop doubting yourself. You could have changed into a hoodie and sweatpants and still look amazing. We're getting dinner, just us, not a fancy event for mafia business, simply me taking you to dinner," He explained sternly, shooting me a funny look that clearly meant stop stressing.

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