Chapter 5.

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That night I barely got any sleep, all I could think about was Caiden. His lips. That lip ring. God, he knew how to kiss. I ran my fingers over my own lips, they were still swollen and thought about his gentleness. The way his lips were soft and guiding, making sure I was comfortable and wanted to continue. I did. More than anything. When his tongue met mine, I melted right there and then. The way I felt his dick pushing against me made me giddy, I did that to him. I never felt that way before, pure bliss. I knew it probably didn't mean that much to him, nothing would blossom from one kiss, but god it felt like time stopped for me. His roaming hands, the way his ringed fingers dug into my hips, falling to my ass and squeezing softly. I was hot thinking about it. 

"You're blushing," Lucas muttered, staring at me with a raised brow.
"Seriously, you've been distracted all day.  What could you possibly be thinking about?" He questioned, I shrugged.

"It's hot in here," I shrugged, unable to hide my stupid grin. 

"Sure," He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously. 

"I gotta get to class, I'll catch you later, yeah?" I asked as I stood up from my chair, his gaze followed my movements. I slung my bag over my shoulder as he nodded with a smile.

"Have fun with Caiden," He offered, I gulped at the mention of his name. God, what was happening. I had to pull myself together. 

"Impossible," I winked before leaving the library, blowing out a sigh before making my way to history. 

I eventually reached the classroom, a few people were only there, in small groups and chatting. I took a seat at the back in the corner, pulling out my pen, and started laying with the cap as I waited for the classroom to fill. After a few minutes, a boy popped up in front of me. I gulped, Jasper Buggon. 

"Hey Oaklyn," He grinned, I forced a small smile.

"Hi.." I muttered quietly, willing him to disappear into thin air. 

Jaspers father was a very powerful man, one of my father's biggest allies. I knew my father wanted me to pursue a relationship with him, he talked about me marrying him occasionally. Like that would ever happen.

"You look good today," His smile widened as his eyes dragged down my body agonizingly slow, I cleared my throat, grabbing his eyes again.
"Seat taken beautiful?" He asked, gesturing to the seat next to me. I gulped. It wasn't. 

"Unlucky Buggon, a second too late," A deep voice cut in behind him, Japer's face hardened immediately. Caiden slipped in next to me, it took all self-control to not look at him.
"Quite clearly, there's no room," Caiden taunted, his tone vicious and cocky. 

"Fulton,  I'll be honest, I didn't believe the rumor until now. Surprised you had it in you, from what I remember, you guys weren't such a big fan of each other," He narrowed his eyes at Caiden, I glanced over at the man next to me. Despite his stare being cold and hard, his body language was casual, his lips curved slightly. 

"Well they say the line between love and hate isn't all that fine," He shrugged carelessly. My jaw nearly dropped to the floor, he didn't deny the rumor? His response made something in Jaspers jaw tick in annoyance, his gaze snapped to me.

"You should probably find a seat, it shouldn't be too long before everyone else arrives," I suggested, he forced his face to soften. 

"Yeah, I'll catch up with you later, perhaps when there aren't prying ears," He smiled before shooting a dirty look at Caiden, his face was still smug. Jasper walked off, shaking his head subtly. My gaze snapped to Caiden.

"What was that about?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"What?" He gawked at me innocently.

"You know what," I narrowed my eyes at him, his lips lifted into a smirk, I gulped. 

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