Chapter 23.

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Lucas and I parted ways in the airport, him heading to Mexico and I was going to London. We hugged each other for a while, both of us not wanting to separate and go back to our parents. Ever since he came out, his father had been very unaccepting of him, desperate for another child, another heir to the Mexican Cartel. Lucas was a miracle for his mother Janine, nearly dying while giving birth to him, doctors were amazed she was even able to get pregnant. Janine, despite her husband's cruel nature, was the most caring person I'd ever met, often inviting me over to visit in Mexico and thinking of me as her own flesh and blood. 
She'd been more of a mother to me than my actual mother had.

And now it was time to face them.

Opening the grand door, leading inside the Santidore mansion located in central London, the hallways were fairly dark, the curtains are drawn to keep the majority of the afternoon light out, just like my father wanted. I listened silently, halting in the doorway at the sight of the cold interior.  A grand staircase was in front of me, leading up to where my room was. The walls were dark creams and greys, the floors dark brown wood. I gulped at the unwelcoming house I'd grown up in, quietly shutting the door behind me. 

"Ah, Miss Santidore! How lovely to see you back for the summer, how was your flight?" My favorite maid asked as she walked up to me, arms open and welcoming.  Smiling brightly at the sight of Aimee, I wrapped my arms around her, nuzzling my face into her cottony sent. 

"Hello Aimee, it was well," I answered, pulling away from her embrace and holding her hands in mine, happy to finally see a friendly and familiar face. 
"Is my mother or father home?" I questioned, almost nervous for the answer I'd get.

"Master Santidore left earlier this morning, your mother should be arriving back from Germany later tonight," She nodded softly, shooting me an apologetic smile.

"Ah, alright then. Mind helping me with my case?" I questioned, glancing down at my pale green case. She nodded quickly, letting go of my hands, and helped me upstairs with my bags. She led me through the empty hallways, guiding me to the room of my childhood, only I'd decorated it last time I was here for Christmas. Updating the childish decorations I had, to slightly more modern and grown-up ones, still keeping a dozen of items which I still had a soft spot for. 

It was exactly how I left it, cushions on my 2 armchairs plushed and looking extremely comfortable. The wooden furniture was polished and dusted, not a spec of dirt to be seen, no doubt in courtesy of Aimee. My bed was neatly made, lavender silk quilts and cushions fresh and soft looking. My old vintage rocking horse was positioned in the middle of my cream, circular rug, a few scarfs that I'd collected over the years neatly thrown over. In the corner of my room was my stack of shoes, the other corner was my reading corner, filled with bookcases that were decorated with all sorts of romance novels. 

I smiled happily at the sight of my room, how much I'd missed it. 

"I see you've kept it well, thank you," I smiled over at her, she dipped her head in approval, smiling widely at me. 

"I must say, my dear, it's wonderful to have you back. With your mother gone for weeks at a time and your father working constantly, I've missed the joy you put back into these halls," She smiled sheepishly, with slightly pink cheeks. 
"You look well," She complimented.

It was my time to blush, grinning over at her kind words. 

"You're too kind to me Aimee, but tell me about my parents. How are my father and mother?" I questioned, the happy atmosphere between us dimming slightly.

"As I've said, your mother has traveled often, but I imagine you are used to that," She explained, I nodded softly, urging her to continue.
"I'm afraid when they are together, they still argue as they used to when you were younger, it seems to be getting worse the older your father gets," She muttered, glancing back towards the door to make sure no one was hiding there to overhear. 

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