Chapter 56.

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This morning had gone fairly smoothly. 

When we woke up, Caiden held me for about two hours, holding my body close to him and stroking my hair. We changed after a while, and I decided on going with a powerful yet formal look. I had black jeans on, skin tight and showing off the shape of my legs, a black, lace bralette covering my top half with Caiden's blazer jacket thrown on top. My hair was in curls, styled with a few strands at the front twisted around the back of my head, the rest of my hair falling down the length of my back. My makeup was fairly natural apart from my eyes, graceful ticks of eyeliner going across the lids and ending on the space under my eyebrow. My lips were a nude color, full and filled in. 

I was finishing spraying some perfume onto my neck and wrists when I spotted Caiden behind me in the bathroom mirror, just watching me. He had black trousers on, a white button-up tucked in, the top few buttons unfastened casually. The sleeves were rolled up slightly, exposing a few dark traces of tattoos, the silver rings on his hands completing the masculine look. His hair was styled messily yet formally, pulling the whole look together.

"You look breathtaking," He smiled softly, stalking up behind me. 

"You don't look too bad yourself, Fulton,"  I smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek, inhaling his scent.

"I have something for you," He explained, pressing a kiss to my tragus.  

"For me?" I questioned, making him nod softly. 

He pulled out a long, elegant box from his pocket, handing it to me carefully.

I narrowed my eyes, glancing up at his face before I slowly opened the lid. 
I gasped.
I could barely even believe my eyes, and maybe that was because they were becoming blurry.

"Caiden, what the fuck?" I breathed, covering my mouth with my hand as I glanced up at him.

Inside the box was a black diamond necklace. It was designed to look like feathers along where the chain would be, a large feather that dipped past my collarbones and would rest roughly in the space above where my cleavage would begin.  Each jewel was a black diamond, and no doubt costing him a fucking fortune. Encrusted in the diamonds was white gold, complementing the darkness of the other jewels beautifully.

"I-" I could barely speak.
"It's- It's so beautiful, but I can't accept this," I gasped, shaking my head softly, unable to take my eyes from the breathtaking jewelry. 

"You can, and you will. Besides, there's one more thing to go with it," He shrugged, making my jaw hit the floor.

"You better be joking me," I breathed, unable to even process how much this would have cost him. 

"Hush hush, am I not allowed to buy my beautiful girlfriend something nice?" He questioned, pulling out another box, this one slightly smaller. 

"Something nice is ice cream or something! You didn't have to do all of this-" I glanced down at the necklace, unable to stop looking at it. 

"No, but I wanted to. So please just accept it," He smiled sweetly, handing me the smaller box. 

I held my breath as I peeled open the lid, quickly shutting it as I glanced up at him.

"How did you even get my ring size?" I questioned, making him shrug vaguely. 

"Lucky guess," He winked, and if I wasn't in so much shock and disbelief, I might've laughed. 

I peeled back the lid, unable to stop staring at the beautiful feathered ring, black diamonds littering the band. 

"I don't even know what to say," I managed breathlessly, feeling like he just kicked me in the ribs or something. 

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