Chapter 54.

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My shower was quick, blow drying my hair briefly before plaiting it. I slipped into a blue sundress, covered in small, white flowers. I was sitting at the mirror, applying some light makeup as Caiden sat somewhere behind me on the bed, watching as I worked.

I noticed it was something he often did, he always seemed mesmerized for some reason.

"What are you thinking?" I questioned as I quickly applied my mascara.

"I'm thinking that you're so gorgeous that it's distracting," He muttered, making my hands halt and glance over at him.

I noticed Caiden was being extremely affectionate recently, especially today, even when we had morning sex 2 days ago. It wasn't rough or hard, but slow, something I called lovemaking.

Sex with Caiden was either lovemaking, which was gentle, full of soft touches and kisses, often during the morning or really late at night, or fucking. Fucking was the complete opposite, it was hard and was normally when he was in complete control. Fucking normally happened during the day, when we'd be unable to control ourselves and snuck off for a while, or after a long day of teasings. I couldn't decide which I liked most, because honestly, they were both earth-shattering sex.

Zoning back into the current reality, I noticed the smirk playing on his lips, almost like he had a direct line to my thoughts.
"Now, what are you thinking about?" He questioned with an amused tone, lifting an eyebrow at me.

I felt heat pool low in my stomach just from looking at him, god he was the prettiest person I'd ever seen.
He was so effortlessly perfect, and he never saw it.

I stood from my chair and made my way over to him, straddling his lap and placing my thighs on either side of him, trapping him under me. My arms wrapped around his neck, his own hands going to my hips, and pulled me down so I was sitting on top of him, holding me close to him.

I brushed my lips against his, not kissing, just touching softly. I did it once, twice, before kissing him. He instantly returned my affections, his left hand trailing around my back and holding me as close as he could, fingers slightly harder against me than earlier.

He hummed against me softly, pecking my lips once more before resting his forehead against mine, his stunning pale green eyes looking at me.

"So fucking gorgeous," He smiled softly, his eyes drifting to my lips.

I brushed a kiss to his lips once more before hugging him to me, half because of the sudden pain that just shot through my back.
My period pains were weird, I'd often get them along my lower back and my front.
Talk about bad fucking luck.

Noticing my shift, he hugged me softly, rubbing my lower back as he placed his chin on my shoulder, my face buried in his neck.
"Hurting?" He questioned softly, pressing a kiss to my tragus.

I nodded weakly, closing my eyes as I shifted, trying to rid my back pain. When I got my period, I felt bad for Caiden. No way I was having sex on my period, so I was fairly nervous about telling him. When I began to apologize to him about it, he just looked confused.

"Why-Why are you apologizing?" He questioned in concern, cupping my face softly, tilting his head so I'd meet his gaze.

"Because I- We can't-"

"Oaklyn, darling, why on earth would I be mad about that? You can't control your goddam period, fuck, you don't have to have sex when you're not on it. I love you, not your body, you. Please- Please don't think I'd be angry with you for anything, especially over something you can't control," He cut me off sternly, holding my face softly. I felt relief wash over me, I don't even know why I thought he would be mad about my period, I was apologizing for it before I could even think about it.

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