27 | Gone

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"What do you mean she's gone?!" An angry Stark shouted trough Buckys earpiece.

"I-I don't know, we split up and when I came back to that main hall she wasn't there!"

Bucky had been explaining the situation to Tony, who was currently the only one on the comms, since about half an hour.

"Did you really look everywhere for her?!"

"Yes! Yes, I did! Why-"

"Looked everywhere for who?" A voice called trough the comms. It was distant, but Bucky knew exactly who it belonged to.


My eyes slowly fluttered open, only to be met with darkness. I groaned as I tried to sit up, only to slump down again due to my aching muscles.

I felt a sticky and slightly warm substance slide down my forehead, blood.

When I tried to wipe it away so it won't go in my eyes or anywhere else, I quickly realized I was cuffed to the wall. The short chains rattled as I desperately tried to get my hands out of there, even when I knew it was no use.

As soon as a sob escaped my lips I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I really was back here. They really did get me back, and they weren't letting me out of their sight again. I rolled to the side and hugged my knees to my chest as best as I could.

The torture, the mind control, the injections, everything. Everything all over again.

Heavy footsteps made me quiet down a little, although the tears didn't stop. You could hear every single thing in a cell like Hydra's. The sound of a key being inserted in my cell door was echoing trough the room, followed by the heavy door slowly opening.

Footsteps of at least 4 guards hurried towards me and dragged me up to my feet.

That's when I noticed how weak I actually felt. How helpless.


The thing I was taught not to be.

But here I am, being dragged trough Hydra's halls again, the guards needing to literally hold me up, as my feet were giving up everytime I tried to stand on my own. My head hung low and my eyes were dropping again.

I can here Hydra's Agents and Doctors talk in every corner of the Base. Quiet Murmurs about Experiments, torture methods, beatings.

They talk about them like it's a normal conversation you have with your friends.

Suddenly the Guards, that were dragging me what felt like across the whole base, came to a halt in front of a door.

I raised my head just a tiny bit to look at that door. Hydra had many different doors. It was weird, but that's how I knew where I was being send. The door of the office was an elegant kind, while the doors to the labs were steel doors, most of them smeered with blood.

Before I could even take a look at the door, I was being pushed - honestly more like thrown - in.

"Ah, Miss Hawlett. Lovely to have you back." A voice I couldn't recognize sneered.

I was still on the ground, too tired to stand or even look up. My eyes were filled with tears, making my vision blurry. My whole body ached even more after being dragged here.

"I am not even going to introduce myself to you, as you will be dead soon. You have betrayed us, killed many of us, exposed many of us. And now you, dearest Talia, will pay for all you've done against us with your life." he said with such cheer in his voice, it made me wanna throw up.

A silent 'no' was the only thing I could get out of me right now, but I knew he heard it, since the guards that dragged me here were currently dragging me to the labs.

I struggled and wiggled with all the strength I had left in my body, which wasn't much, but I just couldn't. I couldn't get out of their dirty grips. Maybe I was too weak, maybe they were just too strong for me.

All the doctors' and scientists heads shot up at the sound of the lab door's opening. They began running around, preparing everything for the person that was being dragged into the experimentation. Or torture. Or mind control. Or death.

I don't want to admit it, but I know I'm not going to make it out alive this time. I don't even think the team has any idea where I am. Did Bucky even tell them? Did Bucky even notice that I was gone? What about Loki? If they know, are they searching for me? Should I give myself this much hope?

A sudden bolt of electricity ran trough my body, making me scream with all the voice I have left.

Amazing, I didn't even notice getting strapped to something and now I'm already getting electrocuted. Which also means they still know my favorite torture methods.

Half an hour later and It feels like I'm already dead. I want to cry, scream and sleep. Even tho I'm really tired, I'm too exhausted to close my eyes, to move any muscle in my body. Even breathing hurts, and I wish I could just stop.

I didn't even realize I was attached to an IV Monitor, until the beeps of it start to get slower. Maybe this actually is my end. The end of my story. Being killed by the same organization I escaped many years ago.

I want to let go. I want to feel nothing, except death right now. When I think about it, sleep sounds good. My eyes already close on their own, my breathing becomes slow and uneven, slowly fading.

When there's suddenly air in my lungs again. The beeping on the Monitor starts making sounds of a normal heartbeat. My normal heartbeat.

I open my eyes slowly and painfully, getting the feeling of my body back again. I can feel everything again. My toes, my fingers, the oxygen mask.

The tense atmosphere in the room slowly relaxes as the doctors sigh in relief, knowing the boss - whose name i still don't know - will kill them if I don't die in his hands.

I'm so tired.

I'm so tired I don't even register the sudden feeling of an earthquake, or the sound of gunshots.

I'm so tired I don't even register the red emergency light blaring trough the Base.

I'm so tired I don't even register being picked up and carried somewhere by the boss, whose name I'll probably never know.

I'm so tired I don't even register being held at gunpoint.

I'm so tired I don't even register that the Avengers just broke into the base.

I'm so tired I don't even register that they came back for me.

I'm so tired and now I can finally rest.

As soon as I - barely - register the bang near my ear, I can rest.

Now that I'm finally sleeping, I don't register all the screams from Loki and the team. Pained screams.

I was so tired but now I can finally rest.

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