21 | Recovery

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That night was probably the worst I ever had in my life.

Nightmares plagued my mind whenever I tried to fall asleep.

I would wake up with heavy breathing, and everytime Loki noticed, he pulled me even closer to him. This nightmare, however, was worse then the others.

It wasn't only my brother, the team and Loki this time.

They were all surrounding me, shouting at me, making it very clear I'm worthless. My parents were included in those people.

There were bullet holes in their foreheads and blood was all over their clothes.

They looked exactly like I saw them last time. Hydra logos burned onto their necks. And I watched all of it.

A 12 year old watching her parents being tortured before being taken away. Taken away to the hell hole.

I jolted awake, my breathing shorter than before. Loki immediately woke up at the sudden gasps for air.

He cupped my face so I would look at him. Worry taking over his features as he saw my pale and tear stained cheeks. Red and puffy stared back to him, silently pleading for help.

Loki held me close to his chest, rocking us back and forth, trying to calm me down.

"Shh, take deep breaths dear. I'm right here." he soothed.

"Mr. Friggason, should I alert the team that Miss Hawlett is in distress?" JARVIS asked when he detected my rapid heartbeat.

Loki glanced over at the clock, sighing. He did want the team to help, mostly because he wanted to show me that they were alive and well.

It was around 4am, the team was probably exhausted after the mission, so he decided he'll prove the livingness of the team to me in the morning.

After I finally calmed down, Loki laid us both down, holding me close to him.

I woke up in the morning, tangled in the bed sheets. Patting the side where usually a God laid, I felt nothing. Only the coldness of the space beside me.

Immediately panic set in me. I frantically looked around the room, hoping he'd magically appear from somewhere.

My stomach dropped and I felt like throwing up. I let him out of my sight and know the worst things could happen to him.

Idiot. I'm such a fucking-

"I brought you something to eat, darling." a soft voice came from the door.

"Not hungry." I grumbled after a silent exhale in relief.

"Talia, you didn't eat since last night." he sighed. I gave in with a defeated sigh and sat up in the bed, head leaning against the headboard.

Loki let the plate hover over my knees while I slowly ate, feeling the urge to throw up already at the first bite.

I stopped chewing for a second and took some deep breaths before shoving the rest of the pancake into my mouth.

Bad idea.

I jolted up, the plate hovering away from me while I rushed to the bathroom with Loki right behind me. Loki held my hair and rubbed my back while I threw up everything my stomach held.

Once I was done, he insisted to let Bruce check over me.

So here I was, limping to the common with Loki, who was holding me close to him.

After all the events yesterday, I didn't even notice the injury on my leg. It was a little stab wound, but hurt like hell. When we arrived, we saw the team currently having breakfast. Even Nick Fury was there, which honestly surprised me.

Once they noticed me, all the face's lit up a little. Even tho I was incredibly pale, probably smelled like puke and looked horrible overall, they were happy to see me emerge from my room so soon.

"Glad to see you at least on your feet, Hawlett." Fury spoke up first.

I honestly didn't even bother to respond or even look at him once nausea and dizziness overcame me again.

Loki already got the message when I stumbled over my feet and looked incredibly sick in general.

He rushed me to the bathroom and once again, I threw up everything my stomach could deliver. After about half an hour of gagging and throwing up, I just sat down against the wall, too exhausted to even keep my eyes open.

I got picked up by someone who I assume was Loki and we walked out. Well he walked out while I was just hanging around in his arms.

Once the team saw us come out of the bathroom, they all exchanged worried glances at my state.

Who would believe a master Assasin would ever be in such a weak state?

"I actually wanted Doctor Banner to check on her because she suddenly started throwing up after she tried to eat her breakfast, and there is something definitely wrong with her leg." Loki explained while I nuzzled into his chest.

"I'd need to run some tests before making assumptions, but I think it's just from exhaustion. How much sleep is she getting?" Bruce asked and walked towards us.

"She's constantly waking up from nightmares, so not much I suppose. I shall see how this develops, for now, I'm getting her back to bed. She needs her rest." Loki said as he made his way back to my room.

He laid me down carefully and I snuggled into the pillows immediately.

"I love you, Love." Loki whispered, more to himself, and planted a little kiss on my forehead.


Okay this is a little shorter than I wanted it to be, but I honestly don't know what else I could write so this will need to suffice <3

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Okay this is a little shorter than I wanted it to be, but I honestly don't know what else I could write so this will need to suffice <3

&quot;I Don't Do Love&quot; || L. LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now