13 | Pancakes

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After a lot of crying and Nat comforting me, we went to bed.
When Natasha first mentioned me sleeping in her room tonight, I thought it'd be weird. But it wasn't. It was comforting, actually.

I was trying to fall asleep for the probably 20th time, but I just couldn't. I just couldn't get my mind to shut out that mission for Atleast an hour.

I was lying in the bed with my back facing Nat while she had an arm on my back, still from rubbing it before she fell asleep.



I felt Nat stir a little bit, which signaled me that she woke up. I was still in the same position. That night I didn't get any sleep. The one time I closed my eyes, I had a nightmare and woke up gasping and gasping and choking for air, which also woke up Nat and she was immediately there to calm me.

"Morning, Talia" She said in a raspy voice.

"Morning" I mumbled back.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked with a slight tad of concern, and I just shook my head.

"You didn't get any sleep, did you?" She asked softly, and I shook my head again.

"But you atleast tried?"

I nodded, "I tried for the whole night. I then eventually fell asleep just to wake up from a nightmare."

She sighed, "I'm gonna get you some clothes from your room and then we can get some quick breakfast, okay?"

"You don't need to get them, you know? I have my own legs. And yeah, breakfast sounds good, J guess." i chuckled a bit, trying to lighten the mood, which must've worked because Nat had a small smile on her face.

"You still look pale and I don't want you to pass out in the middle of your way, so Im getting your clothes, end of discussion. Atleast I'll have an eye on you when we'll walk down for breakfast." Before I could answer, she closed the door again and came back with some clothes a little bit later.

She had my favorite sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants. And some pink fuzzy socks that absolutely didn't match the outfit. But you gotta love some fuzzy socks. After I got dressed, me and Nat stayed in her room for a bit, neither of us being in the mood for breakfast right now.

"Why?" I asked her quietly, that question already popping in my head for the thousand Time.

"What do you mean?" Nat asked, slightly confused by the sudden question.

I frowned, "Loki convinced you that I apparently was still working with HYDRA. You were cold towards me, the same with Tony. And now it seems like you're ready to kill everyone that gets in my way."

She sighed, "I should've known Loki's theory was bad news from the beginning. Listen, Talia, Tony and I were being stupid. We kinda didn't believe you memorized the base so good and Loki thought you just exposed yourself, and we believed him. He's still being a little shit about it but I want to apologize, so I'm sorry about assuming."

Her words were nothing but the truth. She was sorry, and Loki is a little shit. I just nodded and smiled at her, showing that I accept the apology.

"Also you had some pretty sweet moves out there. You gotta teach me someday." she chuckled.

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