10 | Take Care Of Her

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As soon as I reached my room and slammed the door shut, I walked to my drink-drawer.

Basically, Stark forbid me to lay a finger on his drinks so I made my own little bar, in my drawer.

I downed my first bottle in not even 2 minutes and already opened my second one, and then third and at my fourth bottle, the door slowly opened.

Alcohol always had a quick effect on me, and now with 4 bottles, I was extremely drunk.

I looked over to the door while taking a big gulp of the drink and see Loki carefully closing the door.

"Talia..." he said calmly.

"What" I spat, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I'm here to talk, if you want. If not we can just sit in silence, but I can't leave you alone in... this... State" he said, slowly approaching me.

I turned my head back to the stars and leaned my head against the window, taking another big gulp of the alcohol.

It was dark in my room so Loki didn't notice the bottles laying across the floor and the one in my hand, but he sure as hell noticed it now, and I won't let anyone take away my precious bottle.

"Are you drinking?" he asked, trying to stay calm.

"No." I lied.

"Talia give me the bottle, come on" he ordered while trying to take it away from me.

"No, it's mine. You can take your own, you know?"

He sighed and let it go for now. Lowering himself beside me. We fell into a comfortable silence, I admired the stars and new york at night, completely forgetting about the bottle, and not noticing when Loki took it away from me.

"Did he ever actually love you?" He asked, knowing I wasn't in the right state of mind, but he just needed to know. It bothered him so much, he didn't even know why.

I chuckled drunkenly, "No. I didn't realize at first but he mostly used me for his benefits. Didn't matter if I wanted to or not, he dragged me if he needed to." I stood up and stumbled against the wall.

"Ok Y/n, I think its time to get you to bed." Loki quickly stood up himself.

"Im not tired, besides, I'm not done drinking yet." I stood up and stumbled to my drawer, "I'm not even drunk~ yet", I slurred while pulling out another bottle.

Loki took the bottle from me and vanished it. He put a hand behind my back to steady me, "You need to rest, love."

Loki led me to my bed, picked me up and laid me down. He put my blanket over me as I snuggled into my pillow, my eyes already closed. He conjured new, more comfortable, clothes for me to sleep in when he saw my jeans and hoodie.

He was just about to leave when I spoke again, my voice barely a whisper, "Please stay. .."

The words that came out of my mouth shocked him so much, he needed to take a deep breath.

Yeah, we have been good friends but I never asked him to stay with me at night.

He knows he heard me right, J wouldn't even ask that in my drunken state if I didn't mean it. And I knows I said and meant it.

So he closed the door again and crawled in beside me, leaning against the headboard. I snuggled into his chest, my eyes still closed.

Loki hesitantly wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled even closer, he felt a blush creep its way onto his face.

He conjured a book and started reading. Some time later, Cap carefully opened the door.

He looked a little tense, but when he saw me peacefully sleeping, he relaxed.

"Hey, I just wanted to check if everything was alright, since you didn't come out of her room ever since the meeting." he whispered.

"She was very drunk so I took her to bed and she insisted that I stay. I also didn't want to leave her alone like that, I'll leave if the team doesn't want me near her like that-" Loki started, a little disappointed he needed to go.

"No, no stay with her. The team probably doesn't even know you're still here. Take care of her, alright?"

"You have my word, Captain" He said with a small smile on his pale face.

"Goodnight, Loki." Rogers said and shut the door carefully.

This is the nicest those people have been to him, or atleast one, and me ofcourse.

He found himself getting tired too, so he put his book aside and just when he was about to turn of the little light, something on my arms caught his eyes.


'This beautiful mortal was hurting herself,' he thought. And they look pretty fresh, must've done it atleast 3 days ago. It breaks his heart to see her like that.

Why does he care so much about her?


Steve suddenly, really, cares about us? What is happening? 👀

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Steve suddenly, really, cares about us? What is happening? 👀

"I Don't Do Love" || L. LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now