05 | THATS it?

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The team exchanged confused looks because of my last words.

A black case?

"It needs to be important if she's been literally begging for it" Clint speaks up.

"Let's go then, chop chop." Tony ordered

"Were going to help her? Just like that? She's a active murderer, Stark.
We're already doing her a big favor by giving her medical treatment." Steve reasoned, glaring at Tony.

"Listen Capsicle, you know how our original plan was to make her watch Loki but that stupid assistant of hers kept denying right?" Tony questioned

He groaned, "Get to the point"

"Right, right. Well my plan was to see if she has some good in her. Because I think her skills could save our asses many, many times."

"Did you just say you want her, Talia Hawlett, one of the most dangerous people, to be an Avenger?! Her job is to kill, not to save our Asses, Tony!" Sam exclaimed with horrified, wide eyes.

"Think about it. What if she only does this because she once had to. What if that whole dangerous facade is because she just simply doesn't know how to be normal, go to school, make friends. We don't know anything about her past. Where was she trained? Was she forced into this? Manipulated perhaps?
I think it's worth a shot. Now come one let's get that stupid case of hers."
Tony answered finally.


If I told my 18 year old self that the Avengers were currently in my house, looking for something, for me, she would've died of laughter. But that's what was actually happening currently.

"Found something!" Clint shouted.

Everyone rushed into the Basement where Clint pulled the Case out of a shelf.

He opened it carefully, not knowing what to expect.

"That's it?" Steve asked, looking at the boxed item sceptically.

"Why would that be so important to her? " Bucky asked, with the same sceptical face.


As I slowly woke up, the only thing I noticed were those blinding lights, white walls. There was an IV beeping next to me. Needle.
There was a needle, deep deep deep deep in my arm.

"You're awake." a deep voice calmly said from beside me.

When I looked over, I saw Loki lazily slumped in the chair beside my bed, reading a book. He didn't even spare me a glance and kept those deep emerald eyes glued to the pages of the book.

"yeah.. Where is everyone?" I asked him in a voice that could barely be heard.

"Looking for whatever you require out of your home."
He boredly answered with his eyes remaining in the book on his lap.

"Why aren't you there then?"

"I volunteered to stay incase you woke up and tried to get out of here..again." he sighed.

"Well it's not like you could do anything about that, Lackey" I mocked.

"First of all, I could knock you out with a little tap to your head. And my name is Loki." he was getting mad.

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