06 | Killerqueen

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After some more, calmer, arguing they decided to drop it for today and let everyone rest.
I got a guest room for this night. It was just a basic room, white walls, not much decoration. It was literally white.

Loki was with near me all this time, it felt weird to be honest. Having a literal God that tried to take earth 'protect' me. But I felt weirdly safe.


I woke up to a voice in the ceiling, Jarvis, I assume.

"Good Morning Miss Killerqueen, I'm here to inform you that the team is making breakfast and you're very welcome to join them" the robotic voice said.

"Well, tell Stark if he calls me Killerqueen one more time I'll slit his throat and then proceed to drink his blood. And no, thanks, I'm not hungry-" I was interrupt by him speaking again. Rude ass bitch.

"I'm afraid they insist on you joining them. I would suggest you make your way to the kitchen before Thor drags you there himself."

I sighed and quickly put on some clothes.

After some walking around the tower in hope to find the kitchen, I made it.
And the first one to greet me was the bitch with the goatee.

"Ah! I see you've made it. Took you long enough." how polite.

I sent him a death glare which thankfully shut him up and took a seat next to Loki, since he was nice.

The room was filled with uncomfortable silence as everyone watched me eat, before Stark started again.

"so, Talia-"

I opened my mouth to speak-

"Ah ah ah ah! I'm talking. As I was saying-"

"Please just shut the hell up. I dont want to start this amazing day with your mmhmphp-" I glared at Loki who clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Thank you Loki, I can't belive I just said this.
Back to the point.
I hope you remember how we tried to get a deal with you but your lovely assistant kept declining.
I was originally trying to ask you to babysit the greasy bitch next to you, however, turns out he has a heart after all and doesn't need any lectures for now.
Now I'm changing that deal.
You, Talia Hawlett, Ex-Hydra Assasin, now working for yourself, have the opportunity to become an Avenger" he smiled excitedly.

The whole room was silent, even I was speechless at this point. But not because I was shocked about becoming an Avenger, but because I'm shocked on how much he trusts me to become one.

"No, forget it." I sharply replied.

"Talia, come on. We need you. Seriously. You are an incredibly skilled person. Hell, you could probably even take down Natasha. I mean it. I'm begging you to consider it." Tony pleaded.

"As much as I don't want to agree with Tony, he's right. Not about the taking me down part, but the rest. You would really help us." Natasha spoke.

They weren't lying. They really needed me and to be honest, I could use a home.

I realesed a shaky breath. Was I actually considering this?

"Okay. Fine."

Tony clapped his hands and told Jarvis to set up my room. I was between Thor and Loki, I quite don't understand why they weren't next to each other but alright.

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