11 | Broken Trust

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I slowly began to stir awake and opened my eyes, when I was met with the sunlight directly in my eyes. I closed them again and snuggled my face into my pillow.
I felt so secure and safe, my blanket wrapped tightly against my waist.
Never did I have such a good sleep.

"It's time to get up, love, I know you're awake. " someone whispered in my ear.




I jolted up and created a good distance between us. My horrified eyes stared up at him while he looked at me in amusement.

I Cleared my throat, "Uh-I...I was drunk, wasn't I?" I asked, a little emberassed that Loki was cuddling with me while we were sleeping.

"Yes, pretty much drunk" He chuckled quietly.

"Sorry about that, I don't know what must've came over me. Oh my God this is so embarrassing." I mumbled.

"It's quite alright, I didn't think you were in the right state of my mind to accept my offer to sleep on the couch, so I just layed down besides you. None of the Team came in though, except for the Captain." He said, still looking rather amused by the whole situation.

Steve was here? Since when does Steve care? We've barely spoken since I moved in here.

"What was Steve doing here?" I furrowed my brows at him.

"Just checking up on you. He told me the team probably didn't even now I was still here, however, he noticed."

I feel like he's missing out some stuff, but I just let it go and grabbed a comfortable outfit which consisted of a simple hoodie and joggers.

Quickly getting into the bathroom, I brushed my knotted hair and grabbed some aspirin for the headache i already felt coming.

I walked out of the bathroom and motioned for Loki to come with me for breakfast with my head, but before I could grab the door I felt Loki grab my wrist. His grip wasn't too tight, but I definitely couldn't rip my wrist out of his hand.

"We-... I need to talk to you." He hesitated.

I slowly nodded and made my way towards my bed, where he was sitting now.

We sat in silence for about 2 minutes, Loki was frowning and looking at the blank wall, his mouth opening and closing all the time.

"Are you okay? Whatever it is you want to tell me, we can figure it ou-"
I started but was quickly cut off by him.

"Can I see your wrists?"

I froze. He couldn't know, could he?
I never showed up in a short sleeves Shirt, hell, I barely owned any.

"W-what?" I could already feel the panic panic panic panic panic growing in me.

"Show me your wrists, Talia" he said, this time more sternly, still not looking at me.

"I-.. Uh.. No, I ca- I mean, why?" Tears. So so so many tears were now on the edge of spilling.

"Talia, please."

I couldn't bring out any more words so I just shook my head and looked away, avoiding his eyes, so he wouldn't see the single tears rolling down my cheeks.

He then suddenly pulled me into a comforting embrace, I placed my head on his chest and my tears were now spilling.

I clutched his shirt, afraid he would let me go and sobbed and sobbed and sobbed into his chest.

"I Don't Do Love" || L. LaufeysonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ