"Don't mind him." She scolded. "We're on vacation. He doesn't know how to act when at home, and it's even worse when out of state."

"You guys aren't from around here?" I inquired, and she shook her head. "The other side of the coast, actually. We're here for a work thing for my husband. I tagged along, then he," She motioned toward Donnie, "tagged along with me."

"Excuse you, my husbands here working as well." He raised an eyebrow at the girl, and she was about to rebuttal when the barista called out our order, and I turned toward the girl again. "Thank you again, Ezra. I really appreciate it."

"Don't mention it girl." She winked, and at the same time I saw my security guard approached from the side, "You ready to go, Mrs Beaumont?" He asked, and I was about to tell him to give Ezra some cash, when I heard her soft voice again, "You're Vaughn Beaumonts wife? Briar?" She asked, and I nodded curiously, "Yeah, do you know him?"

Her and Donnie both shared a look. "Yeah, actually. You can tell him Ezra Bruno said hi." She told me, and Donnie looked between us, "Is he the Don with that gnarly scar?" He asked, pointing to his face.

Ezra smacked his shoulder, "Sorry about him," She apologized to me with a shake of her head, "I'm beginning to think he was dropped on his head as an infant."

"Hah!" He yelled out, and I shrugged. "No it's all good." I assured her. "He's got a scar, I got a hearing aid. I'd like to think we even each other out."

They both let out a chuckle. "No, but seriously. You're a  lucky girl. He's a fine man." Donnie said. "Like that scar? I'd totally lick it."

I let out a laugh, "Right?! He doesn't get it, but the scar gets me going, y'know?"

"Is that how you got into that?" Ezra motioned toward my belly, and I chuckled. "I think this is actually from the bachelor party, sadly." I shrugged again, and looked at the time. If I wanted to go to the shop next door, I needed to get going.

"I don't mean to cut short, but I have an appointment here in a little bit," I admitted. "and I was totally planning on stopping next door to do some shopping before I go." I laughed. "I don't get out much."

"Oh gosh, are you going to 'snuggled'?" Donnie asked, and I nodded, "Yeah, I heard it's supposed to have the cutest clothes in the area, so I figured I'd check it out while Vaughn wasn't breathing down my neck." I laughed.

"I feel that one, girl." Ezra chuckled, "But we were planning on going there too!" Ezra cheered. "You mind if we tag along with you?" She asked, and I beamed, "I'd love that!"

"I'm going to get some stuff for my babe, and Donnie's got a son at home. Figured while the boys are out making money, we could spend some."

"And I never miss the opportunity to buy things either." Donnie chuckled. "Even if I didn't have a kid, I'd still buy stuff. I love spending money."

"Ditto." Ezra agreed.

We walked next door to the baby boutique, and while in the aisle Ezra turned to me. "So, do you know what you're having?" She asked, and I shook my head, "No. We decided to hold off. Neither of us really cared if it was a boy or girl." I explained.

"See, I'm not patient enough for that." She admitted.

"I know, I've been dying to know, but Vaughn was adamant about waiting, so I indulged him." I told her. "The only downside was that I haven't been able to buy much clothing. Mostly just the basics, and some gender neutral stuff." I told her, as I spotted a sleeper with crocodiles on the feet.

"Oh god. Vince started clothes shopping the day we found out we were pregnant." She told me, and I turned toward her, "That soon?"

"Well, she was conceived with in-vitro, so he was just excited." She shrugged, as the workers came behind her once more, taking things from her and to the register to be rung up.

I had only picked out one thing, the crocodile pajamas, and Donnie looked at me. "That's all you're getting?" He asked, and I hesitated. "I don't know, the stuff here is really expensive. I hate to buy so much when I could get is somewhere else cheaper."

Donnie scoffed. "Girlie, you're carrying around a multi million dollar Hermés Birken. I think he can fund this. Go ham." He told me, and I decided he was right.

Vaughn had been trying to get me to splurge more, and I figured while I had the big bosses credit card, I could get some gendered stuff for both a boy and girl, plus the other stuff we needed. I just figure whatever I didn't use or need, I could just donate.

When I went back to the register after picking out more things, I groaned at the amount I had spent.

"The total is going to be $944.28, ma'am!" The elderly cashier smiled at me, and the security guard next to me pulled out the card and inserted it into the register. Once Ezra was getting rung up, I felt another braxton hick, more powerful than the ones before, and I grabbed my belly and waited for it to pass.

"You okay?" Donnie asked, and I nodded as the pain faded. "Yeah, just some braxton hicks. I'm actually going to the doctor for it." I told them.

Donnie and Ezra spent a large chunk of change as well, and on the way out I felt a little sad at us parting ways. They must've had the same thoughts, because Ezra and Donnie turned toward me.

"Do you guys want to get some dinner?" Ezra asked, and Donnie instantly agreed.

"I have a doctors appointment in like, half an hour." I told them, and Donnie looked toward Ezra, who nodded her head. "How about after? We can wait?" He asked, and I smiled. "If you guys don't mind to wait, I should only be there a few minutes." I told them, and they both agreed.

We exchanged phone numbers and agreed to eat at a greek restaurant in an hour. As I was walking back to my car, I felt a large trickle, and felt what felt like a contraction. I stopped walking and looked down, and I instantly knew my water had broke.


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