35: Moving Day

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~2 months laterSunday ~

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2 months later

I waited 2 months.


Before I finally got up the nerve to move out of this hell hole I've called home for the last 10 years.

I know I should have left sooner. And I wanted to, but I just kept holding myself back.

My father's court date was Wednesday and he'll be spending at least the next 2 years in prison. My uncle drove down just for the day so he could go.

Zion went too, even though I didn't.

It's not my fault the dumbass crashed his car. So I didn't really have to go.

Plus I had a really rough nightmare the night before my father's court date.

I woke up in a panic and when Zion touched me to calm me down I jerked away from him so hard I fell off the bed.

So after court Zion and I went out to eat with my uncle and we talked about my father, and the moving plans.

So here we are on this beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon.


My aunt and uncle came back to stay for the weekend and help me move. They took Zion and I out for breakfast this morning, so the movers could get the furniture moved out first. That way we weren't in the way.

We deep cleaned the house the best we could yesterday around the furniture, but now that it's gone it'll have to be cleaned again.

Moving is hard. And I'm not even doing anything. I haven't moved a thing. Just boxing up the things in my room.

My aunt barged in and asked for Zion's help in the kitchen like 15 minutes ago. And he never came back. So I've been alone and I'm bored.

I pulled out my phone and called Kenz. Luckily she answered on the second ring.

"Shut up. Hello?" She said breathing heavily.

"Was that a moan?" I ask.

"If I say yes, will you hurry up and tell me why you're interrupting?" She chuckles.

"Because I'm moving today."

"Bitch no the fuck you're not." She yelled.

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