9: Midnight Drive

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~Thursday ~

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"Why is it so hard to text her." I said to my best friend Hunter.

We had football practice after class today. And once the coach kicked our asses we went back to the big house most of the football players, including Hunter all live in.

I've spent all day today trying to come up with the perfect thing to text her, but everything sounds so cliche.

"Just say hey. It's a text, not a love letter." Hunter said. Looking back at the TV where he was playing on the PlayStation.

"Yeah but she's different."

He threw the controller on the coffee table and stood up. "I'm tired of listening to you whine. It's almost 6 and you've been saying the same thing all day, I'm going to go get something to eat." He yelled then stormed off.

"Whatever." I said as the front door closed.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and finally texted Sierra a simple message.

Zion: Hey. What are you doing?

I sat there watching TV for what felt like hours waiting for her to respond. Until I eventually dozed off.

When my phone dinged, I sat up, pulling myself from the uncomfortable position I had fallen asleep on the couch in.

I looked at the time on my phone.


Who's texting me in the middle of the night?

I unlocked my phone to see that Sierra had just sent me a message.

Sierra: Sorry, I was asleep when you texted me earlier. Text me back when you get up.

That's cute.

I pulled myself from the couch and walked out the front door. I quickly sent a reply and pulled my keys from my pocket.

Zion: I'm up now.

As soon as I sat in the driver's seat of my car I heard my phone ding again.

Sierra: Sorry, did I wake you?

Zion: No, I was kind of already awake.

It took her a while to text back. So I started my car and then it dinged again.

Sierra: Sorry if I interrupted something.

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