24: Let me take you home

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(A/N) This chapter could be triggering to some people.

Men trying to abuse their strength to force woman.

If this triggers you, please skip the parts marked with ***

If this triggers you, please skip the parts marked with ***

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The alarm on my phone pulled me from the most peaceful sleep I've had in a long time. Zion's arms were still wrapped around me and his face was buried under my hair.

I reached onto the nightstand, smacking my phone so it would shut up. I heard Zion groan and he snuggled his face into my neck deeper.

"We have to get up, it's 7:30."

"No." He pulled me tighter.

"Come on. Let me up."


"Baby, I have to pee."

He suddenly sat up and looked at me with a smile on his face.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"You called me baby." He pecked my lips.

"Well yeah. You were acting like a baby. And I still have to pee." I chuckled.

He gasped and clutched his chest dramatically. But let go of me. I got up and rushed to the bathroom closing the door behind me.

After going to the bathroom I walked back into my room. Zion was already completely dressed.

Damn I missed it.

He wrapped his arms around me. "Let me take you to school."

"Okay." I giggled and pecked his lips.

I walked into my closet and pulled my oversized Tshirt over my head and threw it on the floor.

I turned and glanced in the mirror at my body that was covered in hickeys and bite marks that left bruises.

"Zion!" I yell.

"What's wrong baby?" Zion asks walking into the closet. He looked in the mirror at my body and wrapped his arms around me. He started trailing his fingers around my body, over each mark. Like he was playing connect the dots.

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