40: Interesting Morning

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Why is it that every time I'm about to pee myself Zion has me in some death grip I can't get free of.

"Baby, let go." I groaned and pushed his chest to get him off of me.

His grip loosened and he groaned before rolling over. I got up from the bed and rubbed my eyes. The sun wasn't up yet. So I had to blindly navigate my way to the door.

I've opened Zion's bedroom door so many times. And every time I do it, I'm not expecting to see much.

Just the usual things.

The picture of Zion and his mom from his high school graduation that hangs on the wall across from the door.

It's a great picture, but Zion told me about the night before the picture was taken. So I know the dark truth behind it too.

Sometimes I see Wendy coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel or robe. Or when she walks from her room to the living room to leave for work.

But seeing my math teacher, first thing in the morning, wearing the same girly robe Wendy was wearing last night wide open in the front, showing off a very naked hairy chest and a pair of skin tight purple boxers that was not hiding anything.

Was something I never thought I'd ever have to see.

What the fuck?

He just stared at me.

And I stared at him.

"Nope." I said before walking back into Zion's room and closing the door, leaning my head against it.

"Babe." Zion groaned from the bed.

My head turned to him rolling over with an arm covering his face.

"I'm just going pee." I said before opening the door cautiously and rushing across the now empty hallway as quickly as possible.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself as I sat down on the toilet to pee.

As I washed my hands, I cupped my hands under the water and started sipping the water. My mouth felt like I ate sand. It was so dry.

Then there was a knock at the door.

I rolled my eyes and pulled it open. Expecting it to be Zion.

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