13: You're Family

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~Sunday ~

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"What do you mean he checked himself out?" Kenzie yelled as we pulled up to a stop light.

"That's what I said!" I yelled back.

"I thought he was supposed to be gone for 3 months? It's only been 36 days! What the fuck?" She yelled. And she seemed more pissed than I was.

"I know. But apparently he was there voluntarily so he was able to check himself out after 30 days."

"That's bullshit!" She yelled. "At least they called your uncle and told him."

"I know I'm glad he called when he did too, we had just pulled up in front of my house."

"Oh my God Sierra that's so scary. What if you would have gone inside?"

"I know, I don't even want to think about that. I cried in front of Zion. It was pathetic and then yelled at him, probably because I was so pissed that my perfect night had gone to shit. So then I cried some more. Then he took me to his house. And I had a panic attack and he just held me."

It was extremely pathetic. How am I going to look at him again.

"Awww that's so sweet of him. Does he have a brother?"

I laughed. "Yeah but he's married."

"Booo." Kenzie chuckled.

When I got into the car at Zion's house, I had asked Kenz to take me to the mall to get some clothes. Since I couldn't go home to get any. When I checked my phone this morning. I had a few missed calls from my dad and a text from my Aunt.

Aunt Stacy: Stay away from the house until we can come back to town this coming weekend. Use the card we gave you to buy anything you need. Get a hotel room or stay with Kenzie, just don't go home!

You don't have to tell me twice.

We're inside the mall shopping around for clothes and Kenzie holds up a light blue sun dress. "This would look so cute on you."

Kenzie picked a lot of different colors, but I have a new favorite color I want, with Zion's favorite color blue. I want to see his reactions when I wear them.

After she forced me to get a ton of lacey bras and underwear at Victoria Secret. Some in blue, I was to tired to fight her on anything else, so every time she chooses something I just say yes. "I agree, throw it in the cart."

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