31: Meeting Sierra's family

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~Saturday ~

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We were in the car, driving back to Sierra's house. Some song by Rihanna was playing through the speakers of my car as I turned onto Sierra's street.

"They aren't here yet." She said digging through her purse.

The clock on the dash said it was almost noon. So we still had an hour.

I turned into her driveway and put the car in park. "Now I'm the one that's nervous." I chuckle.

"They're gonna like you. You're kinda awesome you know?" She said as she got out of the car.

I pulled my handle and got out of the car. "I'm staying at the football house with Hunter until my brother leaves."

"Why?" She asked. Climbing the porch steps.

When I finally caught up to her I put my hands on her waist and rested my chin on her head. "My mom gave Ryan my room, and I refuse to stay in the house all weekend with him."

"He's not that bad." She said as she pushed the front door open.

She walked in dragging me behind her. "He is that bad. He always has to add his opinions to conversations he wasn't even invited into. Like how he followed us outside. And he's extremely narcissistic and I don't want to be around him."

"Sounds like an ass." She said but then covered her mouth quickly. "I didn't mean to say that out loud." She laughed.

"He is an ass." I said throwing my arms in the air like a child.

She grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks together then pressing her lips to mine. She started giggling and I wrapped my arms around her waist lifting her off the ground.

"You're so cute." I said rubbing our noses together.

"So are you."

I put her back on the floor and we walked upstairs to her room.

She sat back against her headboard and I crawled between her legs, I wrapped my arms around her waist, and laid my head on her chest.

I could hear her heartbeat speed up when my arms tightened around her.

She started running her fingers through my hair and I couldn't imagine a feeling better than this moment right here.

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