48. Jeon Kwang

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Play song : a change in wind (emotional)

When Taehyung finally open his eyes the first thing he saw was Jimin next to him and Jungkook near the door.... But where was he? He doesn't know. He could hear beeping sound, yet his mind seem to be like dancing slowly, making him unable to understand what was happening.

"Tae?",He squeeze his eyes shut then open it again, Jimin worried eyes could be seen perfectly by now. Taehyung frown slightly fear travelling his body as he look at his surrounding. He suddenly find a bloodshot eyes Jungkook next to him..

"Wh-where? ",He managed to ask with a hoarse voice as he lift his hand up but groan seeing the long tub transferring blood in his body.

"You are in a hospital Tae since o-one day", Taehyung lick his dry lips trying to understand what was happening.

"Tae! Darling are you too much in pain!? fck I was so worried", Taehyung look at Jungkook who started crying and flashback of what happened at young-ae's house became clear in his mind. His eyes widened as he quickly touch his stomach.

"My b-baby?....where is my baby Jungkook!??? Where is the baby!?Answer ME!! ",Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's shirt fisting it roughly .

"I am s-sorry ...",Taehyung let go of his shirt in shock as tears were quick to spilled out of his eyes. He look down at his stomach and hold it tightly ignoring the pain before crying loudly as he sobbed for the lost of his child.

Jungkook wanted to hug him but only got pushed away . He look at Taehyung in shocked who glare at him.

"STAY THE  AWAY FROM ME!! ITS BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU K*LLED MY BABY!!! YOU K*LLED OUR ....b-baby... ",Taehyung's face was red as his veins were popping on his neck and forehead before he cry in pain again and this time Jimin got up and hugged Taehyung.

Jungkook look defeated as he stare at Taehyung. His tears slide down his cheeks by itself, the words 'you k*ll our baby ' circulate in his mind like a mantra.

He didn't k*lled his- their baby! It was an accident!! Why would Taehyung say he k*lled their child?!! He loved them so much!! He had already decided on which day he would take them out to eat candies or shopping! He can never imagine of k*lling them!! He couldn't have k*lled someone he loved with his everything even without meeting or seeing them!! Nooo! He didn't k*lled his child! Why Taehyung was being like that!!??

Jimin look sadly at Jungkook who look down and walk out of the room. He made his way to the parking lot and sat inside his car. He look ahead before his lips wobble and he break into a fit of painful cry. He bang on the steering wheel a few times as he cry loudly away from anyone to hear him..

"Whyy!????Why me!! WHY ALWAYS ME!! ",he cry over his fate, over the fact that he lost his child too, the fact that Taehyung hates him now..... All he wanted was to have a happy family .

He was alone again, he had no one to cry to about his pain, like always since years. He have to be strong and act like he was fine when he wasn't.... He had to take care of Taehyung and he can't allow himself to be weak.


The next morning Taehyung was discharge. He didn't look nor talk to Jungkook, he just let his head rest on the car's window and cry like a lifeless body while Jungkook drive them to the pack.

Taehyung had refuse to return to their house right away and Jungkook put Aside his anger and agreed. Taehyung was tired.... He was done with everything by now.

He was just a teenager who got married forcefully, had s*x forcefully and even got pregnant forcefully......but he didn't complain much about it and thought this is how mates things works....

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