27. Heartless

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Play song if want : Cradles-urban

Yeonjun felt his head heavy when he slowly open his eyes groaning... His eyes were more heavy, he stretch his legs only to yelp and forcing his eyes open at the pain... He realised he was infront the fireplace ,his body on the hard floor.

"F*ck",he groan and felt it was a little painful to move his leg..

"Watch for f*cking mouth ",the beta felt cold suddenly, remembering everything happened near the lake flooding into his mind... He look on his right fearfully and only wanted to run if possible.

"What? ",Jungkook was sitting in a squatting position down, both arms straight on his knees... unbother eyes yet a glint in it.... And lips in small smirk ...but what got Yeonjun wanting to run away was the knife Jungkook was holding... He was holding the end of the safe part, the pointy and sharp part dangling over Yeonjun's stomach as he seem to be carelessly playing with it.... One mistake and he get hurt.

"TALK!.....get up you have been thrashing on my carpet for a few hours now.... It's irritating Yeonjunnie~", The beta was still like paralyzed as he didn't knew what to do. Jungkook hold the knife tighter as he look seriously at him.... His  serious face was the scariest.... Because you never know what he was thinking... He mind turn out angry or happy.... We never knows..

"I-I sorry... D-Don't h-hurt me p-please",Jungkook slowly nodded still staring at him , like if he was really thinking about it ,as he keep the knife down.. ..

"AHHHHHHHH! ",Yeonjun scream louder at the pain travells his body when Jungkook grab his leg... Yeonjun scream louder as he cry feeling his leg being broken by the hard grip..... And all this time Jungkook had a wicked smile on his face..

"Yeonjun!?? Jungkook? ",Taehyung run down worriedly with a bag as he stare at the scenes infront him.....he gulp and felt shiver down his spine when Jungkook glance at him panting with a smile....

"H-Hyung! H-H-Help",Yeonjun cry looking at Taehyung .

"I did help you Yeonjunnie",Jungkook get up with his knife as he look down at the beta...

"Your leg is better now... Isn't it? ",The brothers look huge eyes at Jungkook... Who signals Yeonjun to move his leg... The latter did it.... And felt less pain..

"J-Jungkook? ",Taehyung asked unsure about what he should do... Specially with Jungkook holding a knife near his brother.

"It was just dislocated... A little bit~", Jungkook Chuckles.. as he walked towards Taehyung who stand straight, eyes switching from Jungkook's eyes to the knife...

"Now I'm gonna to cook darling... Mmm I was just about to chop the chicken's neck when I heard your brother groan... So i came to help", Jungkook leave a long kiss on Taehyung's forehead and walked in the kitchen after sparing a glance at Yeonjun.

"H-Hyung- "

"Yeonjun you are leaving, right after dinner.... Jungkook will drop you home... And thank you for staying with me...and I don't want to hear anything from you now until you leave",Taehyung said seriously and push Yeonjun's bag towards him.

"Hyung please listen.. Jungkook hyung is -is not OK!-",

"I told you to  shut up Yeonjun! Why don't you listen when I tell you to do something! You are here because you never listen...... Now bare with it.... ", Taehyung whisper yelled and walked in the kitchen.

"Is he annoying you? ",Taehyung flinch when Jungkook chop the flesh... When it was clearly not needed.

"No-No, I just told him he was leaving after dinner..... You need help? ", Taehyung force a smile , Jungkook turn around looking at him for a few second before smiling.

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