28. Fuc*ing Hot!

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Act normal or punishment ....this words run around Taehyung's brain as he walk down the university's hallway... His eyes stuck down, hand holding a few books.

The beautiful chestnut color eyes trail down his legs a baggy brown pant covering it, while his chest was covered with a dark green sweatshirt with long sleeves covering his long healed wounds on many areas on his beautiful tanned body.... While his neck.... It had a brown scarf around it....

"Taehyung! It have been long since I saw you... Heard you were sick... You feeling better now I guess",Taehyung flinch his first move was to quickly look around him noticing the blue blazer man a few meters away from him and he glup .

" I-I am fine now Seojoon hyung, thank you for asking... But I need to leave... I have something to do, bye",He gave a quick smile walking away quickly as Seojoon look at his back confuse, his voice was quite low and bad.

"Can you move out of the way!!.. Annoying", Seojoon was startled as his gaze met a kinda scary Mr Jeon's one, who had furrowed eyebrows and eyes sharp.... He felt cold suddenly by the way Mr Jeon glare at him and walk away after the student get out of his way.


Taehyung walk in his first class after greeting Jimin and Yoongi in Yoongi's office... He needed to atleast apologize for being absent.... Jimin just hugged him and look at him softly as Yoongi just nodded with a smile.... There wasn't much they could do....

Taehyung ruffle his fluffy curly hair as he take a seat next to the window at the back of the class, he look outside the window, the clouds were grey, the weather a little cold and refreshing... He like this kind of weather even if he will have a runny nose... (Me✊)

"You are back!!! ",Taehyung wide eyes look at the person yelling and saw yugyeom running to him open arms and he act on impulse.

"Stay away!! ",he push him away.... The latter stumble back as he glare at Taehyung.

"Sorry! I m-mean stay away I'm not completely recover from my fever... ",he swallow hard before smiling..

"Ahuh, OK, it's fine... I understand ",Yugyeom smile and sat on his seat as other students were whispering for a few minutes before getting back to their usual gossip.

"Goodmorning bloodsucking kids.... I warn you their is a lot of garlic in my blood.... Aka you better don't test me today ",Jin appear making his usual greeting to his students who were used to it.....

"Mr Kim what do you think about eating placenta? ",Jin sigh as he sip his coffee ,eyes not leaving Felix, this boi.... Always this boi....

"Just like your deep voice.... I will Bury you deep down the earth too boii... We talk about this last week and I'm not talking about it again! Concentrate on the thing you will get for the exam or study what you have in your biology book.... As far as I know there is nothing about eating placenta in the huge hippopotamus book.... !". Jin took off his coat rolling his eyes.

"Professor! I just wanted to know ",he whine.... Jin being sarcastic or talking about killing them was normal to the students.... He might be like that.. But he cares a lot too and helped them a lot... They preferred this fun and cool professor then a boring one.

"Urghhhh do I look like Kim Kardashian? -"

"Your lips kinda better than Kylie-",

"Shhhhhhhttt... Oof fine.... About eating placenta?... Some people think it's OK",Jin roll his eyes as everyone made a disgusting face or some really interested ..

"Ewwww that's very disgusting ",Jackson did a gagging expression.

"Well you eating cum should seem equally disgusting too Mr Wang",Jin smirk at the latter who look at him shock and blushing.

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