12. psychopath

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“You can’t Fu*king leave me!!!“, Jungkook yell in disbelief and quickly started to do mouth to mouth ,but Taehyung was still not responding. After trying for a few more time Taehyung’s eyes were wide open and he start coughing.

Jungkook pulled away and sigh in relief holding his head. Taehyung hold his neck coughing violently , he throw his head on the pillow and then realized everything ,he look terrified at Jungkook and try to scoot away only to wince . His hole was stretch and burning when he felt Jungkook’s d*ck sliding out.

“Oh my God!!! I’m so sorry darling!! I didn’t notice what I was doing!! I’m so so so sorry!! Please forgive me!!“, Jungkook pull out in one go then hug Taehyung who was trying to move less to feel less pain. Taehyung froze in his arms trembling breathing heavily.....he Almost die!!? This son of a cow I swear!!

Taehyung was like paralysed, he couldn’t get the idea out of his mind that he was about to die or Jungkook literally ra*ed him. He shiver thinking about everything.

“Hey darling talk to me, Hyung is sorry baby-“,As Soon Taehyung heard the word he chock on his tear , the word Hyung to him now relate only with s*x and a s*x which hurts a lot.

“Oh my baby shhhh everything is fine”, Jungkook sat on the bed and wrapped the blanket around them back hugging Taehyung who was crying tiredly.

“No need to talk darling ,I know you are tired, .....I love you so much”, Jungkook deperately nuzzles his nose in Taehyung’s neck sniff his scent feeling happy and relax.

While Taehyung was now just staring at nothing, his eyes fix on one place tears still rolling down his cheeks. Jungkook was like just holding a dead body . Taehyung’s mind was a mess, he was too tired to think about anything all he knew was he have to.....go away from there ,he can’t stay not after this happened twice.....


The sun rise ,the sunlight touching the naked husband’s bodies. One was still awake staring at the wall while the other was hugging him closer and sleeping peacefully.

Taehyung stop staring and blinks, he lightly push  Jungkook’s hand off his waist and sat on the bed , covering his mouth with his hand when he felt Jungkook’s cum sliding down his swollen bruised hole. His blood shot eyes filled with tears and he slowly get up making sure Jungkook don’t wake up.

He limp holding his pain in and grab a pant and shirt from the cupboard leaving it open wearing his clothes and slippers not caring . All he had in his mind was leaving from here. Without looking back at Jungkook who was now sleeping on his back ,with many marks on his neck or chest or arms and it was all Marks for stopping him yesterday.

He limp downstair ,his body burning, he passed infront the hallway’s mirror and stop a second looking at himself......his eyes puffy and red ,his hair sticking everywhere, his lips more bruises and dry blood at the corner, his neck full of hickeys and a huge dark purple hand’s print around it, he look down on his hand ,his wrists were dark purple now. Was he an animal to be tame? Doesn’t he have anything to say in this marriage? Does he always have to accept Jungkook’s punishment?

He was disgusted with how he was looking, he didn’t want to leave the one he love, but does someone do that to their husband they keep saying they love so much?

He dragged his feets out whimpering at every steps, his vision blurred and feeling like everything was moving faster. He unlocked the door and step out as soon he does that Matt was standing straight , probably to bark.

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