Chapter 4: Shopping

Start from the beginning

Brian Quinn~ "Sounds like fun, we are out shooting at the Staten Island Mall today. Hope you have a good day. 😁"

"You ready to go?" (Y/BF) says walking in and typing frantically on her phone..

Yeah, lets go! You say grabbing your purse and keys..

You go and eat lunch at an amazing Italian place, and do a little shopping in the downtown..

"Do you know of any other places to go shopping? Maybe an indoor mall?" She says, as you hear her phone vibrate.. She has been texting Joey on and off all day..

Well, there is the Staten Island mall, and the guys are there.. You say typing it in your GPS on your phone.

"Wait, the Jokers are filming there right now?" She says with a look of confusion.. "How do you know that?"

Brian told me.. You say finalizing the change in your gps and start heading that way..

"Well, thats awesome that he is texting you.."

He got me a potential job at the Jokers, I found out while you were in the shower. You say feeling the blush creep on your cheeks..

"WAIT! WHAT! That is amazing (Y/N)" she says putting her hand on your knee and squeezing it.

It is not finalized yet, but I sent them everything they requested. I should hear from them soon.


You and (Y/BF) walk around the mall, weaving in and out of stores.. You are currently in a shoe store, and you find a seat while (Y/BF) is trying on some shoes.. You pull out your phone and shoot Brian a text

~Hey, we are currently walking around the mall. Just thought you would like to know 💛

"Do you like these shoes?" She says as she walks down the shoe alie likes it's a runway...

Yes, they look nice- You hear your phone vibrate

Brian Quinn~ "Hey! Where are you at? We are set up in the back of the lego store!"

~ I am at the shoe store that is two stores down!

Brian Quinn~"I'll tell them that you are here, send me a quick picture so I can show them what you look like now so they can pull you to the side.

You tap the camera button and take a quick selfie and send it over to him..

Brian Quinn~ "Thanks, also you look beautiful 😉"

...Did he just? Call me beautiful? How do you respond to that..

~Thanks, can't wait to see you. 😌

Hey (Y/BF), wanna go see the guys? You say throwing your phone in your bag and jumping up..

She stops dead in her tracks, new shoes in hand..

"HELL yes!" She grabs your hand and you go to the checkout. She pays for the few things and you two run out the door..

"So do you think you like him." She says with a grin on her face..

I mean, I am attracted to him. I am still getting to know him so I wouldn't say I like him yet.. But there is for sure some feelings there already..

"Well, I think it's going to work out.. And I am loving this.." She says as the two of you walk towards the lego store.

When you are super close, you are stopped by a man in a black t-shirt, jeans and a hat.

"are you (Y/N)?" He says looking at his phone then back at you..

Yes! you say trying to keep your calm as soon as you notice Murr a little ways down just standing looking around..

"Follow me please" He leads you through the lego store and into the back.. Where you see tons of equipment, microphones, cameras and people.. Brian is standing behind a tv, he has headphones in and is talking to Sal..

Sal notices you first and pats Brian on the arm and points toward you.. Brian pulls out his headphones 'Hey (Y/N)!' He says walking towards you with his arms out..

Hey Brian you say as he pulls you in for a hug.. Your whole body burns and the feeling of his arms around you makes your heart drop.. You hug him back and when he pulls away he smiles at you..

'Good to see you again (Y/BF/N)' He says sticking out one of his hands to shake hers..

She smiles and you feel his hand travel to the small of your back. 'Hey, I got you two some seats so you can watch us record.' He says leading you to the side of the room closest to where he was standing.. They hand you some headphones so you can hear what is going on with Murr, and you can see on another screen that is on the wall..

You sit down and he smiles and winks at you, the wink isn't sexual.. It's almost natural-

"Alright everyone! We are fixing to be recording.. Murr is out so please watch for ques incase anything happens.. ready, 3 2 1.."

Murr-"I am genuinely worried what is fixing to happen.." He says twitching around and laughing anxiously..

After getting turned down by several people, Murr finally gets one person to stop..

Murr-"Hey do you think that the lego store would recreate this photo for me but in like lego form?"

He pulls out his phone and opens the text Brian sent him.. Brian suddenly hands you his phone, and on the screen is a picture of two men at a urinal staring at each other..

The person he stopped was an old lady, and she looks at Murr's phone in shock..

"That is disgusting" She says as she walks away..

Sal and Brian begin laughing as Murr turns even more red than he was..

You hand Brian his phone back and he smiles..

Sal grabs Q's phone and hollers throwing the mic at Q.. "I have the perfect idea!"

You and (Y/BF) trying to keep your laughter down because Sal is literally being the most right now...

"Is Sal sending one?" Murr says as his voice cracks.. you can see on Murray's head that he is sweating..

"Alright alright! I sent it to you.. last try.." Sal says giggling and handing Q back his phone..

Murr pulls someone to the side about the same time Brain unlocks his phone and the look of shock is on his face..

Murr- "Hey ugh, do you think that the lego store could recreate this picture for me? But in lego form?" Murr says while unlocking his phone.. when he sees the picture he stops and yells "I will take the loss!"

They whole room bursts out in laughter and Brain comes over to you and shows you the photo... it is Murr in a Speedo, with a ferret face as a head and his wife dipped in his arms...

(RIP Benjamin cat 💔)

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