The Girl Across the Street- 2

Start from the beginning

                I glance up at the clock. 8:53. Two minutes until class is over. I raise my hand. Miss White nods at me expectantly, as if I'm about to share with her and the rest of the class my reason for grief. "Can Simon, Nathan and I leave a few minutes early to go down to Coach Kran's office?" She nods and I grab my bag and get out of the room, not looking at anyone.

                Simon and Nathan come out a moment later, but not before Nathan sends one more long, lust filled gaze at the classroom door, probably picturing Miss White inside. Simon shakes his head in pity then together, we walks towards the history office.

                "What happened?" Nathan asks urgently. Both he and Simon look at me. I shake my head. I can't say it out loud, that would make it too real, too soon.

                "He'll tell us when he's ready, right Dylan?" Simon chimes in, saving me.

                "You'll find out soon enough anyway." I mutter. Both clam up.

                We walk the rest of the way in complete silence, until Nathan opens his mouth again. "Is it about soccer? The reason we have to go down and see Coach?" Simon slaps him on the back of the head and gives him a smoldering look. Nathan shuts his mouth immediately and hangs his head. Simon gently pats my shoulder before continuing on.

                We reach Coach Kran's office and stop. Simon turns to me, waiting to make sure I'm ready. I nod and slowly reach for the door, taking a deep breath. I pull it open slowly, as if it weighed a thousand pounds.

                Everyone looks up, the atmosphere is heavy and it is clear there was silence before this, as though they already knew of the bad news. We are almost the last ones there. Of the seventeen people on the team, thirteen of us are already here and one will definitely not be coming. As soon as I think that, I try to push it out of my mind. The door slams behind us and I flinch. Coach Kran looks up from his desk and all of the usual happiness is drained from his eyes. It's clear he has little hope. This worries me; he might know more than I do about Will's condition. It would destroy us all to know Will would never be okay.

                The door opens again and we make room for the two seniors that just walked in. One more person before they all find out.

                Nick is the last person to come crashing in, late as usual. Usually, someone cracks a joke at his expense, but no one says anything today. Instead, we all turn and look at Coach. The atmosphere in the room is suffocating me. Coach Kran looks up, glancing around the room, counting us; sixteen. He stands and clears his throat.

                Brian stops him. "Wait, what about Will?" He asks urgently, searching around for his best friend. I'm shocked he, of all people, doesn't know yet.

                Coach Kran shakes his head sadly. "Will won't be joining us. Um, this meeting is actually about him." He looks down and shuffles a few papers on his desk, collecting himself before he continues. "This- this morning, Will was in a bad car accident." His voice breaks on the last word. A gasp is heard throughout the room. Everyone is confused, distressed and in denial.

                I see Simon and Nathan turn to look at me and, by the look on my face, I know that this was the news I had been told about just before coming here. The piteous looks they give me are almost unbearable. I look away from them.

                Brian is the first to speak. "No. Not Will. Not him. He is such a good driver! He wouldn't get in an accident. No." He shakes his head, trying not to let the information through, trying to save himself from the pain. I know how he feels; I just had to hear that for a second time.

                "We don't know much about his condition right now; aside from the fact that we know he is alive. But, if you want to see me later and check if we have any more information, feel free to. Even if you just need a break today, simply tell your teacher that you are going down to see me. I'll send an email saying it’s alright, and explaining the situation. Even if I'm not here, you can just sit and collect yourself for a few minutes. But don't abuse this privilege, please." Coach Kran announces. "If you want to stay for a few minutes now, I don't have a class until fourth period. I will write anyone that needs one a note."

                I am near tears again. Hearing it again was almost as bad as hearing it the first time. It just made it so real. Simon pats me on the back and I almost lose it. Instead, I just let a few tears escape. I hear the door open and close. I look up and see almost everyone is gone, including Nathan. A flash of fury sparks inside of me. How can they just leave like that?! Do they not care about him? Are they not affected? Simon sees this and grabs my shoulder. "It's not that they don't care man, they were able to collect themselves. They wanted to give you guys, the ones hit harder by this, more time and some privacy. They care about him too. Don't worry."

                I nod, the anger subsiding to a numb feeling, my mind defending me from any more hurt. Simon gives me one last look before leaving as well. After about five minutes, everyone is gone aside from Brian and me.

                I glance up feeling dazed, and look at Coach Kran. "Do we know exactly what happened?" I whisper hoarsely.

                He nods solemnly. "He was on his way to school. He stopped to pick something up from work; you know how he works right in town. He was driving through an intersection and got hit by a car trying to cut through the red. It wasn't his fault; there was nothing he could do to prevent it. The other driver isn't badly wounded and Will is alive, but only because they hit the passenger side. If someone had been sitting there, they would have died." He explains. I gasp. Usually, Will comes to school with his girlfriend, Kelley, and they drop his little brother, Andrew, off at his school on their way here.

                "Where was Kelley? I know Andrew is sick but I saw Kelley in home room." Brian asks, reading my mind.

                "I think Kelley had been running late and told Will to go without her, thank god." Coach Kran explains. We both nod absently, taking in this information with relief. "So, are you boys ready to go back to class or do you need some more time in here?"

                "I'm signing out. I can't stay here, not knowing how he is. I have to go see him. Please, is there any way you could excuse me Coach?" Brian pleads.

                Coach Kran shakes his head, biting his bottom lip. He did this often when he is in thought. He nods. "Brian, have your mother call the school and tell them that there is a family emergency. They will let you out. Now, as for you" he says, turning to look at me as Brian gets his phone out of his bag. "What do you want to do; home, here or class?"

                I think for a second. "Class." I decide, a distraction right about now would be great. He nods and turns to write me a note. "Hey man, good luck, send my best wishes. If you can, talk to him and let him know that I'll look out for Kelley. I'm sure she is going to have to go through a lot today and I owe him anyway." I say to Brian, who is still dialing his phone.

                Brian smiles at me and nods as Coach Kran returns with my note for third period. I don't even remember hearing the bells. I thank Coach and wish Brian luck again before leaving to face the school.

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