Bonus Chapter 2: The Wedding

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10 years after the death of Katerina

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10 years after the death of Katerina

"Uncle Zozo," Turning around my reflexes thankfully kicked in and I caught 9-year-old Katya in my arms as she flung herself at me without a care in the world. "How's my little zuca (pumpkin) doing, hmmm?" I chuckled while giving her a bone crushing hug.

"I'm good," she chirped has I brought her feet back down to the ground. Giving me her best runway twirl she asked, "how do I look Zozo."

"Don't tell the bride but you are easily the prettiest women at this wedding." Observing the little white bridal dress, I can't believe how big she is, my little lady looks absolutely stunning.

"Actually, she's the prettiest woman in the world," an annoying voice exclaimed.

"Look what the devil dragged in." I muttered more to myself but judging by the look Katya gave me she heard exactly what I said. "Aww thank you Kyle, you're so sweet." Giving him a quick peck on the cheek Kyles whole face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.

Grabbing his hand she yelled, "come on let's visit grandma, down the hall" before I could strangle little Kyle.

Clenching my fists, I deadpanned "I'm going to kill that kid." Like whom the fuck does he think he is complimenting my princess like that, idiot.

"Dude they're 9." Vald said while fiddling with his bowtie.

"Exactly! I started having sex at 11." Running my hands through my hair I can't help but shudder at the image of my sweet innocent Katya with tears running down her face as she tells me that dumbass Kyle got her pregnant.

"Well, you were a whore... who had prostitutions at your house 24/7 and a father who didn't give two shits what you or your dick did outside of training." Lucca said while playing with baby- Katerina who was Opal's and Jeffry's daughter.

Before I could respond to his curt reply, Katya who had not even bothered to knock on the door. Walked back into the groom's bridal party room like she owned the place. "Katya!" Vald smiled before opening his arms wide so his granddaughter can hug him. Wasting no time, she ran to her grandfather who scoped her up with ease.

Having a nice chat with her grandpa she was brought back down to her feet and she went around the room talking to the boys who were getting ready before finally getting back to me. "Uncle Zozo!" Fleeing herself at me, I chuckled as little Katya threw her arms around my neck as soon as I picked her up.

"How's my little zuca? You, ok? Your visit to grandma was short. Or did that dumbass Kyle upset you? Huh? I'll kill him if he hurt my baby"

Huffing in irritation she wiggled her way out of my arms jumping onto the ground. "I'm 9 uncle zozo I'm not a baby," she pouted while giving me a death glare.

Rolling my eyes, I bent down with my knee hovering the ground, so we were eye to eye, "you'll always be my baby even when you're 98 Katya." Bopping her button nose I added "you'll forever will be my little bambina."

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