8. Stalking Me Now Principessa?

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"I can't believe it's my baby's first day of college" "Dad are you

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"I can't believe it's my baby's first day of college"
"Dad are you ...are you crying?" I ask my father while looking at my FaceTime screen.
" So, what if I am? My child is starting her first official day of college in a different country in a different CONTINENT and I'm not even there to take pictures or to walk her to class,"my dad said with tears falling.

"Dude are you ... crying?" I hear my twin Konsy ask off- screen.
"My little baby is off to school and I can't see even see her!" While tears fall of his face on a slow pace.
"Motherfucker, you're literally seeing her right now! Speaking of that, what are you going to wear today we don't need any American boys lusting after you."

"On that note, I'm going to go now guys, I don't want to be late! I love you dad, love you twinny" I say with a big smile.
"Bye twinny."
"Bye my favorite child"
"How is SHE the favorite child? She literally left and is in a different country like dude you can-"

Before I could hear the end of that conversation, I ended my FaceTime call and started getting ready for my day.

Going into my closet I decide to go for a scholarly look in pink of course. Just as I finished putting on my lipstick there was a knock on my front door.

 Just as I finished putting on my lipstick there was a knock on my front door

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Grabbing my backpack, I head out the door where Serenity was waiting. Glancing up from her phone she shook her head and said, "Come on the others are in Isabelle's jeep waiting for us."

After getting in the car Opal who was sitting next to me said "How is it possible that you can look more Barbie-like?"

"What do you not like my outfit?" I say while looking down at my outfit of pink ankle boots with a cream sweater vest dress and a two-toned colored button-down shirt underneath it.
"I like your outfit, it's just very pink."
"Yes, well pink is my favorite color!"
"We know" they all said at the same time.
"It just adds to why to us you're our Barbie" Opal said while putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

Looking up I see Daisy who was in the passenger seat sharing a knowing look with Serenity who was in the back with Opal and me.

"What?" I ask
"Nothing," Daisy said before chuckling and saying, "I can't believe we don't have any classes together."

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