49. God I Love Bread

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"Stay awake," Alina mouthed to me

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"Stay awake," Alina mouthed to me. She could have just gently tapped my foot, but no this suka slammed her steel toed boot covered foot on mine when I was taking a few seconds to rest my eyes.

I hate that bitch.

After our cuddle sesh in the bathtub, Enzo drove us back to my estate and after quickly changing he somehow coaxed me into riding him in my bed and now I'm exhausted. Thankfully we were able to get into the conference room for our mafia meeting before anyone else witnessed that my legs were quite literally jelly.

But after we talked about how our mafias were doing to prepare for the ambush, Marcos- the sexist Argentina leader had to throw in unwanted afterthoughts.

Marcos was going on and on about why his mafia deserves more than the remnants of the French mafia. Which is rude like hello??? I would fight tooth and nail for the french just because they have orgasmic bread.

God, I love bread.

But anyways -once we take down the Swedish, French, Spanish and Canadian mafias, the land will be dispersed to us and become a part of our mafias. Trying to be nice we gave Marcos the French land while the Germans get Sweden, and the Americans get Canada.

We had told Marcos that the Spanish mafia would be divided evenly between the Russians and the Italians, when in reality we're giving it to Coastal's estranged daughter to rebuild.

Of course, Marcos wants to get his panties in a bunch about how the best mafia out of the 4 that we're overtaking is going to the two best mafias in the world.

Interpreting his spiel, Hans the German leader spat," They're splitting it meaning they'll get less than us anyway so can we just move on."

Tuning out whatever shit Marcos was spewing I side glanced at Enzo who's sitting to my right with a ticked off look on his face, catching my eye he mouths "focus".

Coming out of la la land, a tap on my thigh from Enzo brings me out of my daze where I see a ticked off Marcos's storm out of the conference room with his leaders hot on his tail.

"I'm betting $50.00, he betrays us. Who wants too in?" Konsy jeers.

"I'll take your $50 and make it $400." Hans said while sitting across from him.

"He won't betray us his fat ass ego wouldn't let him work with someone who excluded himself," Enzo muttered from the head of the table, "fucking 5-year-old."

And he's right as much as Marco may want to work with the Spanish his pride is in the way. He's not going to ask them for anything when they didn't want him to begin with.

Which is the 9,990 reason why his mafia will never truly be great – he doesn't know when to be humble and put his pride aside.

Besides, even if that monster did betray us, we would figure it out pretty soon since Jeffry, and Hans have some of their people tailing the little shit.

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