Bonus Chapter 1: What's Your Problem

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What's your problem?"

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What's your problem?"

"You know what my problem is," my twin brother Matteo said.

Enzo just walked into his house with a lovestruck look on his face after him and Katerina had a Target run.

She has him completely wrapped around her finger, that a simple errand one he would never bother of doing before her as him acting like he's on cloud 9.

"I know, brother I know." I murmured

The plan itself was simple but brilliant- make the Russian mafia princess fall in love with him, then destroy her then her mafia. Enzo came up with this plan to take down the Russian mafia 3 years ago, since then he's been studying everything and anything on her.

He was ready to be her knight, if only we knew the only one who would be doing any 'saving' is her.

It almost came crashing down, it was the first night they met. He came back to us telling us he didn't want to do it anymore, that he would become don a different way. Not understanding why, he later told me he ran into her and was immediately enticed – he didn't want to hurt her.

It took all night, but we were back on track, he knew he had to put those silly feelings aside- he was the don, and he had a plan to see through.

I thought we were done with the doubts, but I was sadly mistaken because now he's thinking about calling off the bombings.

For some fucking pussy nether less.

Don't get me wrong I understand the appeal, Katerina is stunning she's drop dead gorgeous, but that's just the cherry on top. Besides are beauty she's caring, nice, compassionate, but she still has a backbone she doesn't take shit from anyone and fuck she can fight.

She was made to be a mafia wife, and no one can tell me otherwise.

But it's our mafia before and above anyone else, that's what we've been taught since we were babies.I don't understand why all of a sudden Enzo thinks a woman is more important than the mafia.

"Maybe we should call Vinzeco" Matteo begrudging said while poring 2 glasses of bourbon. Once the glasses we're filled he paused, "you don't think he'll kill Enzo?"

"No." Vinzeco is a lot of things, and a psycho is one of them, but he knows Enzo is the best person to hand the reigns of his mafia over too. Telling him about Enzo's doubt will just push him to take the obstacle out of Enzo's path to mafia greatness... that obstacle being Katerina.

It's been stressful the past few weeks and I feel like I'm constantly on edge. Taking a sip of my bourbon the bitter drink instantly chips off some of the intensity I feel has I feel my body start to relax.

Enzo is my best friend, older brother, and family but he's also my don. The title of don is the title that always come first and it's my job as his second to make sure he doesn't let little things like women distract him from the big picture. Him taking his role has the mafia king his not only his birth right but what he's been working for since we were able to understand sentences.

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