60. SuperCut Of Us

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Scientists have evidence that supports the theory that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes

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Scientists have evidence that supports the theory that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes.

A supercut of your life without the catchy background music right before you take that final breath.

I used to always think that if I were to die my supercut would be dark and twisted, yes. But I wouldn't change anything about that. I mean I survived years longer than I should have, I found a family, and a man who loves me in a way that rivals the type of love you read about in cheesy romance novels.

I was always content with the idea of my death, until I found myself in love. Now all I want to do is live a full life so I can get married shower Enzo and my future babies with love.

But I made a choice, and I chose to fight because I was not going to let these mafias think they could just take me. I would never forgive myself if something happened to my family because our mafia base was ambushed.

So I decided to play defense and get them before they could even plot to get us.

But now my mafia may be dead all because of the choice I made to come and fight.

A regrettable choice now, as I'm lying face down in a pile of broken concrete surrounded by a puddle of blood- some others, some mine, and my body is throbbing in pain.

I'm a fighter through and through, repeats in my head as I try to ignore the shocks that are igniting all over my body. I'm a fighter- fighter... but the pain is to much I just want to enjoy my supercut.

But then I start to think about my future- I have to survive- I have to persevere through the pain and get out of here.

Slowly picking my head up I roll over, so my backside is now the one on the floor. But I underestimated the damage the explosion put on my body as an extricating scream slips out of my lips.

Fuck how am I supposed to get up.

Once flipped over and the aches all over my body have been turned down slightly, I open my eyes to take in my surroundings.

The air itself has taken a slight grey hue from the smoke in the air that was the aftermath of the bomb denoting.

The building itself hasn't fully sunken in yet. But judging by how every second the steel and concrete that are holding this building together are starting to shatter away it's only a matter of time. Before everything comes stumbling down.

I need to get out of here.

Taking a deep breathe I try to get up, but from the way my leg collapses under me its safe to say my left leg is broken.


Getting down on my right knee, I extend my right leg out so its vertical. Putting my hands on the ground I use some of the bigger pieces of debris to pull myself to one of the more sturdy looking walls.

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